COD 009: Dr. David Jockers How to Supercharge Your Lifestyle

Dr. David Jockers Circle of Docs


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Dr. David Jockers is a Maximized Living doctor, corrective care chiropractor, nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and certified strength & conditioning specialist. He currently owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.

His experience working with thousands of individuals has given him a level of expertise in the field. He is a member of the Performance Enhancement Team for the Maximized Living Wellness Advisory Council where had the privilege of traveling to London to help the USA athletes win the gold in 2012.

Dr Jockers

He is a leading writer for “NaturalNews,” “NaturalHealth 365,” “Organic Lifestyle Magazine” and “PrimalDocs” which are four of the top online health publications in the world.  He is also on the expert panel for the popular “South African Journal of Natural Medicine.” He has well over 1000 professionally published natural health articles all over the internet and in-print magazines

Dr. Jockers is the author of “SuperCharge Your Brain: The Complete Guide to Radically Improve Your Mood, Memory and Mindset.” He is also a sought after speaker around the country on such topics as weight loss, brain health, functional exercise, natural detoxification and disease prevention.

Dr. Jockers also does local and long-distance consultations to help customize specific lifestyle plans to improve performance and beat chronic disease.



Dr. Website

Book: Supercharge Your Brain