Day 8 of the Chiropractic Christmas with Chris Burfield


It is Day 8 of the Chiropractic Christmas and today’s gift from Chris Burfield is sure to knock your holiday socks off.

12107747_1190159037678866_8005156295493887558_nChris Burfield is a Chiropractic Strategic Marketer. Chris has helped thousands of Chiropractors world wide serve more patients, make more money and save more lives. His marketing philosophy of “Market From The Heart” has led thousands of doctors to serve more patients in their community and helped elevate the chiropractic message to the world.

His YouTube Video “A Chiropractic Miracle Story” currently has over 150,000 views. The video is about his daughter’s traumatic birth process that resulted in his daughter’s right arm paralyzed and diagnosis with severe torticollis. The video shows how she made a full recovery through the utilization of Chiropractic care.

Chris’ purpose and mission is educate people all around the globe about the wonderful world 12241421_1175151809179589_5085751210784217054_nof chiropractic and he does so by helping chiropractors share their own loving, heart felt messages through their marketing efforts. 

Today, Chris and his team over at VanBurf Media are giving you 28 VIDEOS for Free!

That’s right 28 FREE VIDEOS!

They are called the GET TO KNOW CHIROPRACTIC VIDEOS.  These “whiteboard style” videos help explain chiropractic in easy to understand terms and can be used a multitude of ways in your practice.  Click below to access all 28 videos.


The CoD team wants to say thank you again to Chris for his generous offering and we would love if you would check out Chris and see how his marketing can help revolutionize your marketing efforts in 2016.