Does your website and / or Facebook page lack luster?
Is your social media non-existent??
In today’s virtual world those first viewed pixels can be more impactful than a personal first impression. One simple click of a mouse, and that person could be your new patient. If your social media doesn’t draw them in, the Doc around the corner with a fabulously laid out website will!
Circle of Docs is excited to announce that our very own Dr. Beau Pierce and Dr. Jason Deitch have partnered to create The Social Docs.
As the two leading chiropractic community builders (Circle of Docs and Amplifeied) we are now turning our attention to helping other doctors build their own digital practice.
We look forward to over delivering and watching other doctors turn pixels into patients, purpose and profits!
Please LIKE THE PAGE and Follow as we help you build your practice of your dreams!
Improving your practice, one click at a time.