Now is the time to start planning for 2015, setting your goals and organizing your marketing calendar. As a Chiropractor, you want to start asking yourself, “What will I do differently next year in order to achieve the growth I want to see in my practice?”
Here are some very low cost resources and marketing strategies that could double, triple or even quadruple your practice next year if you implement them…
1. Spinal Screenings
That’s right, Chiropractors are still doing spinal screenings. It’s really all about getting yourself in front of more people, and spinal screenings allow you to be at all the events and fairs in your community. You’ll be surprised how many people you meet who have been looking for a chiropractor, and are glad they found you.
How to set up the best spinal screenings:
Don’t worry, you don’t have to sit in a chair at your local gym all day waiting for people to stop and get their spine checked. There are a lot more efficient ways to do spinal screenings. The best spinal screenings are at big events in your community. Events that are so big people are flooding in and out of your booth all day.
The simplest way to find these types of events is to go straight to the venue in your area that is large enough to hold them. Most communities have civic centers and/or convention centers. These types of places hold some sort of event every weekend of the year. Call them on the phone or look on their website to get their event schedule.
If you’d like more training on how to maximize your spinal screenings check out www.SpinalScreenings.com.
2.Dinner Workshops and Lay Lectures
Some of the largest Chiropractic offices in the world have made dinner workshops and lay lectures the main focus of their marketing efforts. These workshops not only allow you to create a constant stream of new patients, but they also allow you a great opportunity to educate your current patients so that you are able to convert more people to wellness care.
How to set up the best dinner workshops and lay lectures
The key to getting started with dinner workshops is to set a date and put it on the calendar. If you set a date you’ll be forced to do what it takes to make it happen. Most offices set up a once-per-month dinner at a local restaurant and invite their patients to bring friends and family to the dinner. You’ll want to find a restaurant that has a private room and will give you a good price per plate depending on how many people you have.
Lay lectures are usually set up with a company or organization. They may be interested in having you speak to their employees as a part of an employee wellness program. The best way to find businesses in your area is to ask your current patients where they work and if they would help you set up a lecture with their coworkers. Another way to find companies is to Google your zip code and search for “businesses”, find their contact number, and start calling.
If you’d like more training on how to set-up, present, and maximize dinner workshops and lay lectures go to www.DynamicDinner.com
3.Refine Your Office Procedures and Systems
You can get all the new patients you want, but if you can’t convert them to care, and keep them committed to their care, you won’t be able to make the types of growth you want to see in 2015. The biggest Chiropractic offices in the world have their systems down and they continually train on those systems so that things flow smoothly in their office from day to day.
Make sure you schedule office training at least once a week. Go over every procedure from the new patient experience and R.O.F., to the financial presentation and daily patient visits. The better trained your team is, the better they will perform when it really matters.
If you’d like to see the office procedures and systems of one of the largest Chiropractic practices in the world check out www.ChiroThoughtLeaders.com
I’ve grown a successful practice myself using the strategies listed above, and I’ve been fortunate enough to work with, interview, and train with some of the most successful Chiropractors in this profession.
The one difference I’ve noticed between thriving practices and failing practices is this: [quote_center]Successful Chiropractors Get in Front of More People[/quote_center] That’s it, bottom line. If you want to grow in 2015, you have to get in front of more people.
Tabor Smith D.C.
He began his career in one of the largest chiropractic offices in the state of Texas, where he was in charge of spinal screenings, and learned all the marketing strategies it takes to build with a 1400 visit per week practice. He now runs a thriving practice in Houston TX, which he built from scratch with “low cost” marketing strategies, such as, spinal screenings, dinner workshops, and business lectures. Throughout his career, he has performed hundreds of spinal screenings and meticulously perfected his techniques. He now coaches chiropractors all over the world on how to share their unique message of health, and bring in tons of new patients using his simple methods.
Chiro Thought leader and internationally acclaimed speaker has spread the wellness message globally for 9 years. Dr. Zaino has created powerful practice building and educational materials to help other doctors and their patients achieve the health of their dreams. He has Spoken Over 2000 times on the life changing principles of Chiropractic. Featured as an International Celebrity Guest Speaker at Numerous Churches, Community Events, Seminars, TV, Corporations, State Conventions, Consulting Programs, Chiropractic Colleges and many more….