…Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “Why do we have a cold and flu season?”  or “What can I do to protect myself?”

5 Tips from a Chiropractor Clinic to Fight Off the Cold and Flu

1.  Wash Your Hands

One of the best ways to stop the spread of cold and flu infections is to throughly wash your hands.  Virus’ can live on surfaces up to 48 hours, so you could be infected by touching just about anything if you touch the infected hand to your mouth, eye, or nose.

Children who bite their nails, suck their thumb or put objects into their mouth are especially susceptible.   Take the time to wash your hands (and your child’s hands) before eating, after using the restroom or even before putting in your contacts.

2.  Care For Your Immune System by going to a Chiropractor Clinic

Your immune system is your primary defense against infection.  Your body has several strategies to ward off invaders such has physical barriers like mucous membranes and the juices produced by your digestive track and weapons such as a fever to wash your system of intruders.

These weapons are effective as long as they work correctly.  All too often, our bodies are not working at their optimal level.  This compromises our immune system and leaves us vulnerable to illness.

Your spine houses your nervous system which controls your immune system’s response.  Hundreds of years of observation have proven that chiropractic treatment improves immune function.

Chiropractic doctors utilize chiropractic treatments and back pain relief therapy to ensure that your spine and back are in alignment.

At a chiropractor clinic, these chiropractic adjustments help chiropractors locate and reduce the physiological disturbances in your nervous system.

With a strong and healthy immune system, your body is equipped to fight off germs and viruses during cold and flu season.

Even after exposure to the cold or flu, chiropractic adjustments can help your immune system function at it’s highest level.

3.  Take Supplemental Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K

During spring, summer and even autumn, we are outside more often working in the yard, swimming, playing at the park or just out for a walk.  These outside activities give our bodies a chance to soak up Vitamin D3 from the sun’s rays.

Research shows that Vitamin D3 (taken with Vitamin K to ensure its effectivness) increases immune system function – helping us to fight off the viruses and bacteria that cause all sorts of colds and flu symptoms.  During the winter, add a dose of Vitamin D3 to your daily supplements.  To find the correct dosage, multiply your weight by 35.

4.  Stay Active: Use Exercise to Fight Colds and Flu

Just because it’s winter, it doesn’t mean you can’t be active.  If it just snowed, rent some snowshoes and try them out in your local park, go for a walk or take the kids sledding.  Find a local ice skating rink or YMCA.

Set a goal to try to get 30 minutes of exercise 3-4 times each week.

5.  Eat Well to Be Well: Fight Off Colds and Flu Through Your Diet

Eating right is a big part of keeping your body and immune system functioning at its best.  During the winter months, add in a few more Vitamin C-rich foods like oranges and grapefruit (in season during the winter) and dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.

You can even sprinkle on some sesame seeds or add in a red bell pepper to soups and pasta dishes.

Drink green tea instead of your morning joe and add in some yogurt or take a daily dose of probiotics which are natural bacterial that can help to ward off attackers.


Fulk Chiropractic