Books have changed my life for the better in more ways than I can imagine. From business and career-focused reads to science fiction adventures and thrilling fictional tales, the books I have read are varied in their applicability and value.
A few months ago I was approached by some of my friend, who happen to be chiropractors, to consider starting a book club for the business minded doctor.
At first I simple smirked and said, “No way, book clubs are NOT my thing.”
After a few weeks and more of my friends calling me and asking for book recommendations I finally gave in and said, “Ok, I’ll do it…. but its not going to be like any other ‘chiro’ book club that’s out there.”
The Circle of Docs Book Club is DIFFERENT.
This book club is for the chiropractor who wants to grow their practice, self, and profession.
Here are all the details:
- One handpicked business book per month
- Hundreds of doctors reading it at the same time
- Interacting and helping one another in the Community
- One webinar a month recapping the book and asking the author/special guest questions about the book and how it pertains to our personal practice and profession.
- Free to join ( for a limited time)