Attitudes and Views on Chiropractic: A Survey of United States Midwives


Attitudes and Views on Chiropractic: A Survey of United States Midwives

Linda Mullin, Joel Alcantara, Derek Bartonad, Lydia Deverae

Life University,
College of Chiropractic,
1269 Barclay Circle,
Marietta, GA 30060, USA.

OBJECTIVE:   A survey of midwives’ knowledge and views about chiropractic.

DESIGN:   Cross-sectional descriptive survey.

SETTING/LOCATION:   An anonymous on-line self-administered survey.

PARTICIPANTS:   United States midwives.

OUTCOME MEASURE:   Respondent demographics, professional training, personal and professional clinical experience, opinions on safety of chiropractic, and scope of chiropractic practice.

RESULTS:   A total of 187 midwife respondents completed the questionnaire resulting in a superficial response rate of 2.1%. Responders were certified nurse-midwives and had some form of training regarding chiropractic. The responders were aware that chiropractors worked with “birthing professionals” and attended to patients with both musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal disorders. The vast majority indicated a positive personal and professional clinical experience with chiropractic and that chiropractic was safe for pregnant patients and children.

CONCLUSIONS:   There is great awareness of and positive personal and professional experience with chiropractic on the part of midwives who participated in this survey. We encourage further research in this field.