Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy: SOT® Based Procedures and Protocols


Dealing with this portion of the population involves special skills and protocols often overlooked in the general chiropractic practice. Inthis 3-DVD set Dr. Martin Rosen, DC, CSCP, CSPP, a SOT®certified instructor, will cover many of the specific adjusting protocols necessary to deal with the hyper-mobility and pelvic balance issues specific to the pregnant patient.

chiropractic-care-during-pregnancyThe adjusting protocols taught in this program offer the practitioner a set of skills to deal with the changing neurophysiological and biomechanical presentations in the pregnant patient. You will learn safe and effective methods that can help with even the most challenging cases.

While many of these techniques are based on SOT® adjusting protocols, these videos allow those unfamiliar with SOT® chiropractic procedures, as well as already established SOT® doctors, to work more efficiently with this segment of the population. Standard adjusting protocols as well as specialized and ancillary procedures are covered and demonstrated thoroughly in this DVD series.



