Circle of Docs the online platform for the Chiropractic profession is live! What an incredible 30 day journey Circle of Docs has been on this past month!
What started over 16 months ago when Dr. Beau Pierce and Dr. Patrick Gentempo had their first meeting about the concept of Circle of Docs has quickly escalated into the tour de force that has now been viewed in over 95 countries and is one of the leading Chiropractic website’s in the world in under 30 days.
“I knew that the Chiropractic profession had been looking for somewhere to congregate and communicate about everything Chiropractic. When we launched we had no idea that people would take to it so quickly,” states Dr. Pierce.
In this first release of Circle of Docs the leadership team had one goal: Immersion.
Our goal was to “build the community first.” To stimulate a core group of users who utilize the platform to change their practice. According to Dr. Ryan Dopps he couldn’t be happier. “With help from the COD community it has already grown my practice. I had a clinical question and another doctor in another country answered it less than five minutes. Who knew that someone in a country 2,500 miles away could help me with my practice.”
Dr. Brandon Thomas states, “As a student you are somewhat fearful as to what is to come after graduation. After reading many of the posts and interacting with the community I now feel more confident than ever that I will be a success in practice.”
With over 3,000 forum posts now in the community, members are helping one another with questions such as: sharing your first chiropractic experience, helping to name your clinic and helping pre-chiropractic students pick their favorite college.
Dr. Pierce goes on to comment that the COD team only wanted to offer a “small glimpse” of the premium features that are to come, but is very pleased with the outpouring from the community thus far.
[quote_box_center]Circle of Docs is a free online network for the Chiropractic profession.[/quote_box_center]
Dr. Patrick Gentempo, “We couldn’t realistically predict how much gravity there would be toward COD in the marketplace once we launched, but we of course biased toward optimism. Well, the numbers in the first 30 days have significantly outpaced even our optimistic projections. We also thought that the community would bias toward younger practitioners, but I am happy to see that we have multiple generations of DC’s engaged from around the world. We are a free service with an easy to use platform that has sparked a receptive and growing community.”
According to Google analytics, COD has broken through the 30K page view mark earlier this week. “This is good start of things to come, states Dr. Pierce. We understand that as the community grows and members start to familiarize themselves with the functionality of the forums, download area, and other features the site will continue to expand.”
It is refreshing to see so many people absorbing the content we are producing. At the time of this article over 11,000 people have read articles that the COD contributors have written: Top 10 Research Breakthroughs to Support Chiropractic Care in the Last Decade, How to Make 2015 your best year with Social Media, and Applied Chiropractic Philosophy
The question most often asked from current members is “What is next for Circle of Docs?”
When we asked Dr. Gentempo and Dr. Pierce this question they both smiled at one another and Dr. Gentempo said, “LOTS”.
Unfortunately they wouldn’t give us any concrete answers. It appears that they are as tight lipped about features to be released as Apple is when new products are rolled out. Speculation of possible releases range from: classifieds, live event coverage, job boards, online store, and even a full fledged patient portal.
They did go on to say that their number one goal for the first quarter of 2015 is to build and give back to the community.
[quote_center]“Our goal is to provide One Place for Everything Chiropractic.”[/quote_center]
Circle of Docs is unique in that it combines community, vital news, and practice development content all in one place. The COD mission is to serve you personally, professionally, and ignite you to serve more people in your community. Now there is one place to go for everything chiropractic.
If we want to elevate our profession to the next level than we must work together and help one another grow.
Circle of Docs is off to a great start and it’s safe to say that the Chiropractic profession is waiting anxiously for the next phase.