“An enlightened person knows that the other person is never the problem.” -Rumi
We live in a culture where it is completely acceptable to blame other people for what happens to us. It is much easier to be a victim, rather than a positive force. In fact, society wants us to play the victim role. When we are victims, we are dependent on “society.” How far does that get us, really?
Do you have the courage to look in the mirror, at the completely capable person staring back and say “Let’s Do This!”
Are you willing to give the person in the mirror total and complete responsibility for everything that happens around you? Are you willing to take responsibility for all results that occur, and that do not occur, around you?
You are at the center of your life. Everything that happens around you is part of your story. Are you willing to attract great people to be in your life? Are you willing to cause discipline and results around you? Are you willing to stop playing the role of the victim? Are you willing to take on new skills and stop complaining that you are lacking the right skills?
Are you willing to push toxic people and toxic habits out of your life?
The only person that you have to answer to tomorrow is the one staring back at you in the mirror!
If you’re not willing to point to the person in the mirror as the responsible party, you might not yet have the courage to have it all. Many of us point fingers at other people; but when we look at the results that we are producing in our lives, there is only ONE person to blame.
Join me at our 13th BMI Bootcamp on February 23rd in Dallas, Texas. Break the blame cycle. Visit www.DallasBMI.com to register.
My best,
Rick Sapio
Rick Sapio has been involved in more than 100 companies, as either a founder, investor, owner, or operator, over the past 30 years. Rick has realized that by using a principle-centered business approach, one can radically increase the success of virtually any business. For the past 22 years, he has been CEO of a financial services/healthcare holding company. Go to www.BusinessFinishingSchool.com to learn more about his 12 Foundational Principles of Business.