When it comes to comparing a Doctor of Chiropractic, Osteopath, Medical Doctor and other varying professional degree programs, Chiropractors should never be ashamed in our education. The team at ProHealth recently published this study comparing a myriad of medical professional training programs.
Comparison of DC, DO, MD, ND, PT, RMT (professions are listed in alphabetical order, criteria are listed from least to most invasive). Data was collected from 2014 academic calendars among the top ranked programs in North America – (data can be independently verified by links DC – UWS, DO – Touro Osteopathic, MD – Yale Medical, ND-BINM, PT – Queens University, RMT – VCC. Specific programs at different institutions will vary; charts are provided for basic comparison and education priorities of each profession. Please recognize that while education plays a role in practice style, the charts below do not take into consideration post graduate education, practice preference or clinical specialization; nor do they imply any profession is ‘better’ than another – the goal is accurate, evidence based representation of educational information.
Total hours
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (Canada) (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program)
Anatomy Training
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification or continuing educational hours
Physiology Training
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline. Pharmacology is included in physiology education where applicable.
Soft Tissue Manipulation
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Rehabilitation & Exercise Training
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Orthopedics Training
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Osseous Mobilization (Grade I-IV mobes)
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Osseous Manipulation Training (Grade V mobes)
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Electrotherapeutics Training
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Nutrition & Botanicals Training
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Pharmacology Training
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – with the exception of ND in British Columbia (pharmacology training is legislated to be a separate, extra educational development course) hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Diagnostic Imaging (radiology) Training
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic, DO = Doctor of Osteopathy, MD = Medical Doctor, ND = Naturopathic Doctor, PT = Physical Therapist, RMT = Registered Massage Therapist (doctor level degrees require a Bachelor’s level or equivalent for entry into program) – hours show content of core curriculum at intuition and do not take into individual extra certification, continuing educational hours or practice time dedicated to each discipline.
Surgery Training