In the preceding two articles in this series, I discussed our motivation as chiropractors for holding spinal screenings, how to set up the best screenings and the three stages of an effective screening. We can apply these techniques to a case study to determine if it is feasible to arrive at $100,000 in new revenue through just four screenings per year.

Tabor SmithAs I previously suggested, there should be more chiropractors today conducting more spinal screenings than ever before in the history of chiropractic. Yet, the reality is fewer chiropractors are holding fewer screenings. Meanwhile, I recently read a statistic that 80% of Americans will suffer from spine degeneration by the time they are 60 years old. What a tremendous opportunity for us as chiropractors to make an impact on an issue that affects the health of so many lives around us.

Conducting spinal screenings out in the community, detecting early subluxation, addressing the symptoms of new patients, educating them about the importance of chiropractic for spine and nervous system health and how this contributes to overall health—through these invaluable interactions we are not only touching the life of that individual, but their family, friends, the greater community, cities, states and the country.

As chiropractors who hold more meaningful screenings, you bring life changing value to the community and you deserve to be compensated for that contribution of your skills. This is why The Screener Screening Kit has been successful for so many chiropractors. As a training tool for your whole office, it teaches you how to add value to your practice as the result of your contribution through spinal screenings.

Another chiropractor recently shared with me that he had captured 30 new patients for his practice through a screening event using the The Screener Screening Kit.

“No sales, just a simple communication method that proves to be extremely effective.”

While I realize everyone won’t have the exact same results, I pretty much anticipate acquiring 30 new patients from each screening I set up. If you aren’t getting similar results from your screenings, you need to evaluate your screening procedures and the type of events you are selecting to set up your booth. The four part DVD/CD Screener Screening Kit is a way for you to do exactly that. It is possible for you to improve your screening skills by following the steps I outline in this series.

postureSo let’s look at the math and see what four screenings can do for your practice this year. Let’s assume that you have the same success of another chiropractor who recently shared with me the following:

“I am at an expo this weekend. There are actually three other chiropractors here who have shared how poorly the expo is going for them. Meanwhile, I have set a new record for my office with the number of clients I have captured in one day at an event. We have seen such a difference in the results of our screenings from last year since we have implemented The Screener Screening Kit.”

So let’s suppose that you capture 30 new patients served (NPS) through one event (E) each quarter. That would be 120 new patients. Assume that your average patient yields approximately $1,500 per case. This would equal $180,000 in added revenue for your practice. Or consider that you only capture 15 new clients at each screening, or that you only convert 50% of the 30 clients captured, or that the client only sees you a few times ($180,000/50%). We are still talking about $45,000-$90,000 added to your practice.

Don’t think you will capture as many patients at each event? Calculate eight events per year. This is only two events per quarter. You also need to consider the type and size of events you are selecting for your screenings.

There is no better way to conduct more spinal checks than through community accessible screenings. Soon, my newly updated version of The Screening Spinal Screening Kit will be released. This kit will be offered for a limited time. The set comes as a 4 DVD and CD combination (mailed out in about 7-14 days) and also as a downloadable file through the membership site. This training tool is meant to be used with you CA, associates and other office staff. Just as you train your support team on new office procedures and screening techniques, staff should be trained on optimal screening procedures that lend to hosting successful events that maximize the number of patients you capture.

spinal screening tabor SmithThe Screener Screening Kit comes with a bonus classroom DVD that gives you even more tips on how to find the biggest and best events in your city to offer spinal screenings. The kit also includes the forms and poster I have developed to create the ideal screening environment. This kit will save you from the learning curve I went through as I spent years learning what works best to connect with the community and bring in new patients.

The bonus video also includes an interview about how to tie dinner workshops into your spinal screenings. You will learn how to collect leads at screenings to fill your dinner workshops.

Look for my kit to be released soon at and then remember the opportunity is only available for a short time. You will be pleased at the value of this information and the return on investment for a training tool that is going to generate revenue for your practice year after year.