The proper building and maintenance of a business Facebook page still seems to elude most chiropractic offices but it’s incredibly easy. In my 40,000+ Facebook posts for chiropractic office, I have found what works, what does not and the mistakes that 99% of Chiropractors are making. Here are 6 tips to maximize your Facebook results.
Let’s start at the top of the page. The timeline cover photo (the larger photo at the top) fills up to 20% of the screen for desktop users so it’s important to maximize this real estate. The first rule on a cover photo is to keep text under 20% of the image. Facebook advertising rules will not allow images with over 20% text to be used in ads. In the bottom right of the cover photo is the Facebook Call to Action button (which we will cover shortly) so you should design the photo around that button and your profile photo. An arrow to the Call To Action button is a great way to highlight your practice. A low-cost design website such as is a great resource for a cover photo. If you are looking for the correct dimensions for your page, see the image below.
- The profile picture represents your brand and is the square photo that is used in searches. That being said, try to fill as much of the image as possible with a recognizable photo to your prospective followers. For a small organization, this is usually the doctor’s photo. In a larger organization, use the office logo.
- The Call to Action button is a new gift from Facebook earlier this year. In the bottom right of your cover photo, you will see a button labeled “Create Call to Action”. When you click on that button for the first time, Facebook will allow you to customize the button for your practice. In the drop down menu, select “Contact Us” or “Book Now”. You will then be asked for a website to direct people to. Enter the direct link to the “Contact Us” page on your website which you can find by going to the Contact Us page on your office website and simply copy & paste the web address. After you click save to complete the process, all your fans will now see a button that will make it convenient to contact you.
- Highlighting an important post is also a great tool that is often overlooked. When you make a post on your office Facebook page, you will see a light grey arrow in the top right of the post. When you click on that arrow, it will give you an option of “pin to top”. That will permanently put that post above everything else so your fans see it first. I recommend that this post contains a promotional video for the office.
- Be sure to quickly respond to your Facebook messages as more and more people are using messages are the primary form of communication. I frequently see messages of “Do you have any availability today…” being sent through Facebook. If that message gets answered quickly, you just helped another patient. If we ignore the message, they will likely go somewhere else or even worse, not receive the care that they need.
- It is imperative that every post you make contains an image since posts containing a photo get 93% more engagement than posts containing text only. As for post frequency, the answer is daily.
- Now that your page is maximized, the next step is to get your page in front of your target audience. Most docs are blown away when they learn how much action you can drive to your Facebook page for such a small investment. I have run countless ads to promote offices to their target demographics and the average result is somewhere around $.75 per page like, which means that for $50, you can get around 65 page likes from people within a 10 mile radius of your office. These people are now a captive audience that will see your message. Another $50 investment on Facebook will yield you about 5,000 views of a video you upload. Testimonial videos drive big results!
If you have any questions, please send me an email at or call 480-895-3500.
Peter Drubin is the co-founder of Social4Chiros. Peter plays an intricate leadership role in the structure and function of the organization. As an author, speaker and social media guru, Peter’s coaching and communication style is packed with practical information, that is geared for easy implementation and effective results. His rich experience in chiropractic marketing provides his clients with a clear and concise road map to achieving and surpassing their personal and professional goals.