by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News
Dr. Andrew Moulden wanted every parent in the world to know about the harmful effects of vaccines. His desire was that everyone would reject the use of vaccines after examining the evidence of the harm they cause.
The evidence that I gathered from Dr. Moulden’s teachings and shared in the previous three articles in this series about vaccine damage was stunning.
It clearly showed the harm that results from vaccine use. The benefits are negligible and the risks are great.
Regardless of where you currently stand on vaccine use, the information in this fourth article will be eye-opening. Once you learn how to spot the symptoms of vaccine damage in the faces of children and adults, your life will never be the same. You will be like Dr. Moulden – you will look into the face of boys and girls and see undeniable evidence of vaccine damage and you will mourn and grieve over the lives that are being damaged.
Even though national marketing programs have convinced most parents and physicians that vaccines are safe and necessary to protect the lives of their children and all Americans, there are an ever increasing number of parents who have learned the truth about vaccines. These parents have done the research and are going against the politically correct approach to vaccine use. They no longer take vaccines themselves and are preventing their children from receiving additional vaccines.
Dr. Moulden’s Research: All Vaccines Cause Some Harm
Dr. Moulden’s research was intended to explain the harm that comes from vaccine use. Not just some vaccine use, but all vaccine use.
Perhaps the greatest part of his legacy was the system that he used to monitor and measure early stages of vaccine damage. Many parents stopped vaccine use without needing proof of damage. Other parents only begin to question the harmful effects of vaccines after they see symptoms of illness and dysfunction in their children.
As you know if you have read the previous articles in this series, Dr. Moulden was working hard to present the truth about vaccine damage, but he was also working to develop treatments that could restore health to damaged children. His first video series was called Tolerance Lost, and it described the problem and its cause.
The second video series was called Tolerance Found, and was to describe the steps that parents and physicians could take to reverse the damage. Unfortunately, political pressure from the Canadian College of Physicians effectively silenced him before he could bring forth his second video series and share the details about treatment.
You may wish to read the previous three articles about the mechanisms that cause neurodevelopmental damage, illness, and death among people who use vaccines.
Part 1: Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
Part 2: Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage
Part 3: Dr. Moulden’s New Medical Discovery: Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes (MASS)
You may also wish to review Dr. Moulden’s videos on YouTube.
Listen to Dr. Moulden in his own words give evidence to the mechanisms that cause vaccine damage in “Tolerance Lost.” See the evidence of vaccine damage in the faces of children.
Listen to a presentation from Dr. Moulden that summarizes key principles of his Research.
Watershed Areas: Vaccine Damage to Nerves Changes Facial Expression
I introduced the concept of microvascular watershed areas in article 1 of this series in the section on blood cells and blood flow. Watershed areas are very small areas of tissue (groups of cells) that are served by a single blood vessel called a capillary. These capillaries are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope. They are so small that red blood cells must squeeze themselves through them in a single file row.
Watershed areas are very vulnerable, because they are not served by multiple capillaries and do not have collateral capillary blood flow. Thus, when blood flow through these single pathways is stopped because of blood sludging, white blood cell blockage, or inflammation of the blood vessel, then damage begins to occur to the cells in that area. Cells suffocate and die for lack of oxygen.
The damage to watershed areas can be temporary, lasting a day or two, but it can also be permanent.
There are watershed areas throughout the body. We may not be aware of the effects on most of these areas when damage occurs, but damage is quite noticeable when it involves certain cranial nerves that descend from the brain and activate the muscles of the face. Damage to these nerves actually changes the facial expression in ways that can only be caused by cranial nerve damage.
Damage to Cranial Nerves in Watershed Areas
There are 12 cranial nerves. Four of these nerves provide visible evidence of watershed damage. The third, fourth, sixth, and seventh cranial nerves contain watershed areas that are easily damaged when blood flow is restricted or cut off to those specific nerves.
The damage that results from oxygen starvation can be seen in the parts of the human face that are controlled by the third, fourth, sixth, and seventh cranial nerves. Most of the time the damage only weakens the nerves and limits their ability to control certain muscles. There will not usually be complete paralysis, which would result in unresponsive muscles. Instead, there will be a weakened ability to use muscles or a weakened ability of the muscles to respond quickly.
Palsy: Weakness in Muscles Caused by Nerve Damage
Weakness in muscles caused by nerve damage is called palsy. Another way to describe palsy is to call the condition partial paralysis.
Palsy is most commonly seen on one side of the face or the other, which is why it is very noticeable when a person knows how to monitor the facial expressions. If the mouth is involved, then one corner of the mouth will appear to sag when compared to the other. If palsy occurs in the eyes, there will be a slightly different alignment in the movement and gaze of the eyes, because the muscles that control one eye are weaker than the other. Sometimes one eye will be misaligned when compared to the other and will appear to be looking upward or downward. The blinking of the eyelids may have a different rate of opening and closing. All these symptoms are signs of neurological damage to the cranial nerves.
When blood flow is blocked and oxygen availability is cut off to any portion of a nerve track, then palsy can occur. The nerve tracks come down from the motor areas at the top of the brain. They pass down through the middle part of the brain and then move into the face where they control the muscles. If there is a lack of blood supply to any part of the nerve track, then the nervous system input to this area of the face will be lost, and the muscles will be impaired.
The impairment can range from weak and subtle palsy to profound paralysis. The impairment can be acute as when the nerve is damaged and then later is able to regain normal functioning, or the impairment can become permanent.
Stroke: Evidence in Facial Muscles
Palsy in the face is evidence of a stroke that is occurring in the brain. When the stroke is temporary, it is called a transient ischemic attack or TIA – Transient meaning temporary, Ischemic meaning lack of oxygen, Attack meaning stroke. As a result, there can be a temporary blockage of blood flow through certain blood vessels. A TIA can cause clinical symptoms when the blockage happens in a critical location, otherwise it might go unnoticed.
The blockage of blood flow from a TIA is temporary and will usually be corrected in 24 to 48 hours. Even if they have a short duration, they are still strokes. Once the clot or blood sludging has been cleared from the blood vessel, and the blood flow and oxygenation to the area is restored, then normal functions in the area will return.
Classic examples of stroke include: complete paralysis of one half of the body or a hand, the drop in the corner of the mouth, an eye turning inward from its normal orientation, numbness in the face, or loss of speech. If this is a transient ischemic attack, then the stroke process that blocked the blood flow will be restored and the symptoms will disappear and normal activity will return. If the blockage cannot be cleared, then the brain damage becomes permanent and the symptoms of the brain damage will remain.
Recovery from Palsy and Stroke
There are many common symptoms among modern neurodevelopmental diseases, but there will be differences in the degree of disability and the extent of recovery. Some infants and children will recover everything, some will recover moderate functioning, some will recover very little. Some people will recover language and some will not have any language. Some can repeat words and sentences and some cannot. Some have sensory problems, some don’t. Some people have psychosis, others do not.
The entire range of behavior, social skills, emotional processing, sensory processing, cognition, memory, and intention can all be damaged by strokes. Damage can be quite variable. It can range from minor in specific areas of the body, to major system wide damage involving impairments to many areas of functioning.
Detecting Strokes with Imaging Technology not Always Possible
Blockages at the microvascular level do not show up with current imaging technology. Even when there are strokes in the small arteries, which lead to capillaries, the blockages may be undetectable. So, instead of using high tech instrumentation to find evidence of microvascular strokes, we must use our eyes to look at the consequence of the strokes that appear in the activity of the human face. It’s all visible if you know what you are seeing.
Visual Evidence of Damage to the Seventh Cranial Nerve
The seventh cranial nerve primarily controls the lower half of the face. Commonly, palsy to this nerve will cause a weakness in the corner of the mouth. One corner will have a slight downward droop. This will become very noticeable when the person smiles. In a normal smile, we would see both corners of the mouth rise upward. However when there is palsy to the seventh cranial nerve, one corner will be unable to rise in unison with the other.
Specifically, the area of the brain that is being damaged when there is drooping in the side corners of the mouth is called the posterior internal capsule.
In addition to causing a drop in the corner of the mouth, it can take away the wrinkles on the top of the forehead, and affect the blinking of the eyelids.
The impairment that results from damage to the seventh cranial nerve usually occurs without detectable evidence from medical imaging scans. CT scans, MRI scans, angiogram, and any other tool that was in use in 2009 could not detect strokes taking place at the microvascular level such as in capillaries.
Blockages can be seen in larger blood vessels, but not in capillaries that are equal in size or even smaller than the diameter of red blood cells. If you arranged a single row of red blood cells and stretched them across the head of a pin, then it would take 133 or more red blood cells to go from one edge of the pin head to the other. If you did this, you would be unable to see the line of cells, because they are far smaller than what anyone can see without a microscope.
A red blood cell is 6 to 8 µm (micrometers) in width – one millionth of a meter. Remember, some capillaries are so small that even red blood cells have to squeeze through them.
Loss of Symmetry in Face Shows Sign of Stroke
When physicians look for evidence of a stroke, they look for symmetry and the lack of symmetry in the entire face. Lack of symmetry is an indication of a stroke.
If an adult man or woman suddenly develops a drop in the corner of the mouth today, and it wasn’t there yesterday, then this is a clear indication of a stroke to the seventh cranial nerve. Neurologists, family physicians, and other doctors are all trained to recognize this type of symptom. When they see this, they would know to get the person admitted to the hospital, because they need treatment for a stroke.
But why does this same stroke symptom get ignored when it appears in children? If this reaction happens to a child after taking a vaccine, then it is reasonable to assume the vaccine caused the stroke, however, doctors seem not to notice such symptoms when they occur in children.
Facial Droop: Common in Autism
In addition to the seventh cranial nerve controlling the corners of the mouth, it also controls the area of the cheek between the corner of the nose and the upper lip. This area becomes flat. The natural rounded curve of the cheek is lost. The bulk and tone disappears on one side, but the other remains normal. This is also called a facial droop. The sides of the face do not move symmetrically any more. The folds and angles of the nasal labial folds become asymmetrical. We often see this type of symptom in children with autism spectrum disorders.
The bottom line is that whenever there is a drop in the corner of the mouth or the flattening of the nasal labial fold, there is damage to the seventh cranial nerve, and damage to the brain is occurring. This sign of a stroke does not communicate the degree of damage, it only that it is occurring. The face is just a window into the brain and the whole body — it is an indication of what is happening in the entire blood supply for the entire body.
Local and System-wide Damage in the Body Represented
When we see seventh cranial nerve damage, we can be sure that the damage is not isolated to the seventh cranial nerve – the damage is happening everywhere.
The blood is being sludged up in multiple areas of the body, which is causing ischemia, damage to tissue, functional disorders, and disease. This is not genetic. It is acquired. The drop in the corner of the mouth is the result of low zeta potential and the MASS process. People with autism spectrum disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, ADHD, and those who are having adverse effects from vaccines such as hepatitis, flu, anthrax, Gardasil, DPT, MMR, etc. are having a generic response. The body is reacting to having foreign matter put into it.
Damage to the Sixth, Fourth, and Third Cranial Nerves
There are three cranial nerves that control the movement of the eyes. They control the muscle groups that move the eyes left and right, up and down, and diagonally.
Sixth and Third Cranial Nerves
The sixth cranial nerve controls the muscles on the outer corners of both eyes. The third cranial nerve controls the muscles on the inner corner of both eyes by the nose. Together, these two nerves trigger the muscles to move the eyes to the left and to the right.
These two nerves must work together to move the eyes. If a person looks to the right, then the sixth cranial nerve on the outside of the right eye tells the muscles to pull that eye to the right. At the same time this is happening, the third cranial nerve causes the muscles at the inner corner of the left eye to pull the left eye to the right.
Common First Sign of Vaccine Damage
Palsy to the muscles of the eyes controlled by the sixth cranial nerve is often the first sign of vaccine damage. It is important to realize that the six cranial nerve is located in a vascular watershed area in the brainstem. This means that if blood flow is reduced through the brainstem coming off the basal artery, then the vessels furthest from that flow source are the first ones to dry up like a river bed during a drought. So, blood sludging in this area means decreased blood flow and reduced oxygenation for the watershed area of the sixth cranial nerve.
Weakness in the sixth cranial nerve can appear within a few hours or days after vaccination. Normally, the eyes move in perfect unison when a person looks to the right or left, but when there is damage to the sixth cranial nerve, then one eye will lag behind the other as they move.
When there is damage to the sixth cranial nerve, then there will be palsy on the outer side of the eye. This will cause the muscles on that side of the eye to be overly relaxed. This will enable the muscles controlled by the third cranial nerve to pull the eye slightly toward the nose, when compared to the other eye, which is not experiencing palsy.
Life Threatening Damage to the Area of the Sixth Cranial Nerve – Sudden Infant Death After Vaccine Exposure
More serious damage is occurring when there is palsy to the outer corner of both eyes. In this situation, weakness to the outside corners of both eyes causes the eyes to rest in a misaligned position.
Both eyes will appear to deviate in an inward direction toward the nose. This means that the palsy has affected the sixth cranial nerve on both sides of the face. This situation is more times than not ischemia in the brain.
The oxygen deprivation happens without pain, thus it is silent. The deviations in normal eye movement are a subtle neurological sign of damage in process.
In cases of sudden infant death, we realize that the controls for the left and right movements of the eye are right beside the centers in the brainstem that control automatic respiration. This section of the brain tells our lungs to breathe. As a result, when strokes occur in this area, they might start silently as evidenced by one eye turning inward.
If the restriction in blood flow to this tiny area continues and expands to include both eyes (greater damage), and then the blockage expands to include the respiration center, then sudden death can occur. Sometimes death of this type can happen during sleep without the neurological features when a stroke to the tiny capillaries in the respiration center takes place. However, a stroke to the sixth cranial nerve can be a serious warning regarding the possibility of sudden death for an infant or a person of any age.
An important case that illustrates this pattern of respiratory failure was seen in a baby who became seriously ill within 4 hours of receiving the MMR vaccine. The parents of baby M realized that he was having a serious problem. His condition continued to deteriorate even after several visits to the doctor. He was hospitalized after seizures, and went into respiratory failure while hospitalized. He was put on a ventilator to keep him alive. When he was in the hospital doctors did a cerebral profusion scan to evaluate blood flow in the brain. The scan showed normal vital signs, normal blood pressure, normal heart rate, etc. but there was no blood flow through the brain.
When the blood supply can’t move through the brain, the functioning of the brainstem is destroyed. This prevents a person from remaining alert and awake, and it takes out the brainstem area for respiration, which will ultimately bring death. His family and his physicians watched him slowly die while the respirator did his breathing for him. Basically they were watching his brain as he went through the stages of sudden infant death after vaccine exposure. [1]
Fourth Cranial Nerve Vertical Gaze in Vaccine Injured and Gulf War Vets
The fourth cranial nerve controls movement of the eyes as they look downward and inward towards the nose. This nerve is activated when we look down towards the floor to the left or to the right. There are twelve tendons that attach to the eyeball. They are the points where muscles pull the eye one way or another. If a nerve that controls the muscles linked to a tendon is damaged, then the normal contraction in that direction is lost and weakness results. In the case of the fourth cranial nerve, if there is damage to the nerve on one side, then the eye will not look straight ahead, but will look slightly upward in comparison to the other eye. This is called a fourth cranial nerve vertical gaze.
A fourth cranial nerve vertical gaze can be seen in children who have been injured by vaccines and in some Gulf War veterans. This damage causes the eyes to see into the world at slightly different horizontal planes. The consequence of this condition is that people will tilt their head so that the eyes are in the identical horizontal plain.
People unconsciously compensate for this fourth cranial nerve weakness without being aware of the problem. They will tilt the head to the left or right depending on the eye that is affected by the palsy. Sometimes they tuck the chin slightly as they look forward to put the eyes into the same horizontal plane.
If people do not make these compensations, then they might have double vision. Even if there is not double vision, the slightly different sensory input from the two eyes would confuse the brain, which is expecting to receive input from the same horizontal plane. The human brain is not designed to see two different images even if they are only slightly different.
Testing for Cranial Nerve Damage – Dr. Moulden Adds New Test
There are several ways to test for damage to cranial nerves. Many have been known for a long time and are routinely used by neurologists. Dr. Moulden’s research added a new test to the set of assessment tools.
Watching Eye Movements
Neurologists test the eye movements by asking a person to follow his finger as he moves it in front of the person’s eyes. The neurologist asks the person to look to the left, and then to look up and down. He then asks the person to look to the right, and repeats the up and down movement. Basically the person is instructed to move the gaze of the eyes in an “H” pattern. This moves the eyes through all cardinal gazes.
Are the eyes moving together as the gaze changes from one direction to another? Can they go through all the different ranges of gaze or are there some that are not possible to accomplish? When a person tries to go through all the gazes of the “H” pattern, he will need to use all of the three cranial nerves that control the movements of the eyes. An inability to move in one of the directions will indicate palsy. Uneven movements where the eyes are able to move, but do so at a different rate of speed indicates palsy. Where there is palsy, there is neurological damage.
If there is palsy in one of the cranial nerves to the eyes, such as the third cranial nerve, then the eyes will no longer be perfectly yoked together. The yoke is broken. If there is damage to the third cranial nerve and a person looks to the right, then the right eye will move normally, but the left eye will be sluggish and will lag behind. This produces a momentary disruption in visual perception even if the person isn’t aware of it.
We were created to have binocular vision in which the eyes move together in perfect unity. This is quite different from some animals that have eyes on the sides of their heads. Lizards can look in different directions at the same time. If we tried to do this, then it would confuse the brain. Everything would look blurry and it wouldn’t make sense to us.
Sometimes there is a noticeable misalignment of the eyes that is very visible when the eyes are viewed from the front while they are at rest. At other times the palsy becomes more evident when the eyes move. The situation where one eye lags behind the other when they move is not always easy to see.
A video recording of eye movements can reveal palsy. Simply record the eye movements as the person moves the eyes through the “H” pattern, then replay the video at a very slow speed to reveal any problems.
It will be helpful to make a video before vaccine use and another one afterward to look for possible vaccine damage if a person still wishes to use vaccines. Sometimes family photos and videos of children that were taken before neurological damage will quickly reveal the differences in facial expression and eye movement.
Measuring Electrical Activity in Muscles of the Face
Another before-and-after test that can be done to reveal vaccine damage involves the placement of electrodes on the corners of the cheeks and the corners of the forehead. This will measure impedance and muscle activity. If this is done before vaccination and then again two or three days after vaccination, then there will be different results.
There will be a significant difference in the degree of muscular contraction and background electrical noise in these areas for many people. These differences can appear even if there are no visible symptoms. The damage is silent, but the electrodes are able to record the cessations of neurological activity, which is being caused by ischemia to the brain. This is the MASS reaction to the vaccine.
Evaluating the Blinking of the Eyelids
Evidence of cranial nerve ischemic stroke is also visible in the blinking of the eyes. Changes in eye blinking activity is a new tool for examining the signs of neurological damage.
In the absence of neurological damage, the eyelids will be yoked together and will close and open at the exact same rate. However, when there is palsy to one of the cranial nerves that control movement of the eyelids, then the opening and closing will not be in unison. One eyelid will lag behind the other as they move.
The eyelids blink extremely fast, and it is not possible to evaluate their movement with standard visual observation. The normal length of an eye blink is 300 to 400 milliseconds, but the eyes can blink even faster in some situations. As a result, it is necessary to prepare a video recording of eye blinking and to replay the video very slowly and examine the movement frame by frame. The eyes automatically blink every 2 to ten seconds. Thus, it is not necessary to do a long recording. Children’s eyes normally blink less frequently than adults.
If there is palsy to the fifth or seventh cranial nerve, then the eyelid that lags behind the other during an eye blink is the side that is affected by the palsy. It can no longer keep up with the normal functioning eyelid.
This test cannot be faked. It is true that we can voluntarily decide to blink, and we can intentionally blink the eyes slowly and make one eyelid move slower than the other. However, what is being described here is involuntary eyelid blinks. We cannot intentionally cause a different rate of movement in the unconscious blinking of our eyelid when an eye blink only lasts one third of a second or less. A true involuntary eye blink can be stimulated by touching the cornea of the eye with a wisp of cotton.
Differential rates of involuntary eyelid blinking are a physiological and clinical sign that ischemia is occurring from a MASS reaction and/or the zeta potential has been weakened. Once the vascular supply has been damaged, then the individual is uniquely susceptible to anything that would cause further immune hyperstimulation or decreasing zeta potential.
The next exposure to a vaccine or to environmental toxins will likely cause an even greater MASS reaction and greater loss of zeta potential. This will increase the likelihood of sludging and less blood flow to the vascular areas that have been previously damaged.
The analysis of eyelid blinking is a new reflex for the examination of neurological integrity. Physicians can tap a hammer on a patient’s knee and watch the leg jerk. The jerking of the leg cannot be intentionally created, because it is a function of neurological stimulation. A person cannot fake this leg movement when the hammer hits the nerve, because it is an automatic response. The same is true for involuntary eye blinking.
If the palsy to the nerves that control blinking is substantial, then a person might not be able to close one of his eyelids.
Recommendations for Healing Vaccine Damage
Dr. Moulden was just as interested in preventing vaccine damage as he was in helping to heal those who experienced damage. I was unable to discover much about the therapies that he was developing, because this information has already been removed from the internet. I do know that the beginning point for his therapies is first to eliminate the triggers for MASS reactions and reductions in zeta potential.
This means to discontinue the use of vaccines, and to eliminate the introduction of foreign substances into the body. Thus, clean air, clean water, and clean food are essential. Environmental toxins in air, water, and food can trigger MASS and zeta reactions, which can lead to microvascular strokes.
This means that we must turn away from using pesticides and chemicals in the home. This means discontinuing the use of toxic cleaning products, air fresheners, perfume, scented laundry products, scented candles, and anything else that pollutes the air with toxins. This means only consuming clean water.
Municipal water that contains chlorine, fluoride, residual pharmaceutical drugs, agricultural chemicals, etc. is a trigger to microvascular strokes. Municipal water that is flocculated with aluminum as part of the cleaning process must be avoided. Bottled water sold in plastic is also not safe.
Food that contains chemical residue or chemicals that were intentionally added for manufacturing purposes must be avoided. Food that contains pesticide residue, preservatives, stabilizers, artificial flavorings and colorings, MSG and other excitotoxins, GMOs, added hormones, and other toxic substances must be avoided.
Mercury is a highly toxic substance that effects MASS reactions and zeta. Thus, we should be concerned about mercury that is used in dental fillings, mercury in food, and mercury in vaccines.
Dr. Moulden didn’t mention electromagnetic radiation, cell phone radiation or other kinds of radio frequency pollution, but we do know that these affect human health.
In practice, we need to help our families and everyone else by providing a clean environment in our homes, cars, and especially our kitchens. Organic food and grass-fed animal products will need to be emphasized. We now know that even organic products can contain residual levels of chemical toxins and still meet USDA (Department of Agriculture) limits. We can no longer assume that USDA certified organic means pure and pesticide free.
Dr. Moulden was doing considerable research into how negative zeta can be restored in the blood. He had developed a process for establishing a high negative charge in distilled water. He found that the consumption of this type of water would help restore negative zeta in the blood, which would reduce sludging and clotting of the blood, and which would help people heal from vaccine damage. Unfortunately, information about the process that he used to prepare this type of water could not be located at this time.
I did review the research of prominent scientists who are working with zeta and water. The good news is that their work may result in the development of important therapies for people who have experienced vaccine damage. They are looking at ways to restore negative zeta potential in the blood when it has been compromised.
Questions and Answers
Why doesn’t everyone have the same reaction to exposure to vaccines and environmental toxins?
Dr. Moulden provided information about two identical twin boys from Atlantic Canada. Both came from the same placenta and they shared the same blood supply during prenatal development. When they were born, one developed autism features and the other developed learning disabilities and language problems. This shows us that the variation in the development of modern neurodevelopmental illnesses is not genetic but is more related to the experience of MASS reactions and zeta changes. The variation from individual to individual is a function more of a process that goes on within the individual than it is a function of genes or life in the prenatal environment. Once these children were born, it was no longer possible to assume that they were not subjected to slightly different exposures even when they were kept in the same home.
Why does one person experience damage to the sixth cranial nerve of the eyes, why another experiences damage to the seventh cranial nerve of the mouth and cheek?
Dr. Moulden indicated that substances, viruses, bacteria, or their byproducts have affinity to influence certain areas of the body. Different groups of cells within the broader classification of the brain will be susceptible to being influenced by specific bugs, specific viruses, specific toxins, specific foreign proteins, etc. This means that the exposure to certain foreign substances will tend to have an effect on certain locations and to not have strong influence on others. This sets up certain tissues to be damaged by the ischemic process that is caused by MASS and by zeta.
Since there are now thousands of foreign substances that can potentially trigger a MASS reaction and damage zeta potential, it is no longer possible to predict a specific reaction to a single foreign entity when it is introduced into the body. In fact, a person might even have a different reaction to the same toxin at different points in his or her life. Our overall health, recent toxic exposure, and nutritional status at any point in time will effect how we react to a specific toxin.
Dr. Moulden stated that nutrition plays a very critical role in the degree to which a person can handle the toxins that are put into the body. He noted that the negative health reactions of people who take vaccines in Africa are not the same as in North America. The poorer quality diet in Africa makes them more susceptible to adverse reactions.
Do animals experience a MASS reaction and damage to zeta levels when they receive vaccines?
The reactions experienced by children and adults when they receive vaccinations are also experienced by companion pets and livestock when they are vaccinated. Vaccines are not safe for humans and they are not safe for animals. The reactions in the human body, relative to MASS and zeta, also happen in horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, cattle, dairy cows, poultry, etc.
Conclusion: Dr. Moulden’s Work Must be Studied and Continued to Understand Vaccine Damage
Dr. Andrew Moulden was dedicated to revealing the truth about vaccine related illness and death. There is no doubt that vaccines cause harm to everyone who uses them. Dr. Moulden’s research into zeta potential and MASS reactions revealed the mechanisms through which damage occurs.
He showed the close relationship between a wide range of modern neurodevelopmental diseases. He explains how numerous illnesses can have multiple triggers and how these illnesses are actually part of a common syndrome with a continuum of presenting symptoms. He showed how learning disabilities, autism, Alzheimer’s, irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, colitis, food allergies, shaken baby syndrome, sudden infant death, idiopathic seizure disorders, Gulf War syndrome, Gardasil adverse reactions, schizophrenia, Tourette’s syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, expressive aphasia, impaired speech skills, attention deficit disorders, silent ischemic strokes, blood clots, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, Parkinson’s disease, and other modern neurodevelopmental disorders are all connected.
His research was able to show that the modern epidemic of illnesses such as those in the preceding list do not represent a genetic problem, or a problem with pathogens such as viruses. Rather these illnesses are caused by the body’s normal reaction to foreign substances that are brought into the body. This reaction is called excessive non-specific immune hyperstimulation.
Vaccines are one of the largest triggers of excessive non-specific immune hyperstimulation, which ultimately leads to blood sludging, clotting, and loss of negative zeta. The combined effect of all these factors produce illness, disability, and death.
Dr. Moulden challenged the whole western based germ theory model of disease. He did not believe that antibiotics and vaccines were the solution to the epidemic rise of twentieth and twenty-first century modern illnesses. Instead of seeing vaccines as a hope for relief from disease, he, like many other forward thinking researchers, understood that vaccines were the major cause of the illnesses that we now face.
He also saw that it was not just the vaccines that were introducing foreign substances into our bodies, but it was also our exposure to pesticides and numerous other chemicals that was bringing down our health. He recognized that poor nutrition has a direct effect upon the amount of vaccine damage that people experience. The poorer the nutrition, the greater the amount of damage from vaccines.
My hope in preparing these articles is that other physicians and researchers would be inspired to take a serious look at the work of Dr. Moulden so that they could continue it. I am also hoping that parents will take a serious look at the hazards of vaccine use for their children, and would exclude their children and themselves from using vaccines.
I look forward to the day when we value human life to such an extent that we will proceed with great caution when considering the arbitrary use of biological and chemical concoctions to prevent illness and bring about healing. The human body is not a machine, which can be adjusted to meet the design standards of human engineers. Human life is not a software program that can be rewritten at will to meet the financial needs of corporations. The human body and human life is a creation of God, and as such, it requires great care and protection from what man through his greed for money and power is trying to do to it.
Dr. Moulden was engaged in a life-long search for truth. May we carefully discern the difference between the information provided by medical marketing firms, and the true principles that sustain human life. May we cherish life and not assume that illness and disability are normal. May we, as Dr. Moulden did, not be satisfied with a medical care system that fails to deliver health. May we reject a medical system that is driven by the fear of illness, and which is organized to make money at the expense of human suffering. Let us not forget the source of true healing that exists in the grace of God.
About the Author
John P. Thomas is a health writer for Health Impact News. He holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Science in Public Health (M.S.P.H.) from the School of Public Health, Department of Health Administration, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
See Also:
Part 3: Dr. Moulden’s New Medical Discovery: Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes (MASS)
Part 2: Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage
Part 1: Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
Intro: Have You or Your Children Been Damaged by Vaccines?
[1] “Baby M’s Parents-Vaccine Death Forensics Report,” Vaccine Facts, Retrieved 12/26/14. http://www.vacfacts.info/baby-ms-parents-vaccine-death-forensics-report.html
Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.
Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.
Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone. This book summarizes his teaching and is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn the “other-side” of the vaccine debate that the mainstream media routinely censors.
– See more at VaccineImpact