JAMA Recommends Chiropractic FIRST for Means of Low Back Pain Treatment


As we are more than aware, some times we find ourselves at odds with the medical doctors in our community. Just recently a paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association came out that now recommends chiropractic as a first means of treating back pain.

Dr. Alex Vidan wasn’t going to let that pass by without a comment. He stopped by his local television station, FOX2, to discuss with the audience what chiropractic is and how it works.

(We must say that Dr. Vidan did a great job in the interview)

The JAMA`s recommendation comes on the heels of a recent study out of the medical journal where sufferers of lower back pain all received standard medical care (SMC) and half of the participants additionally received chiropractic care. [quote_center]The researchers found that in SMC plus chiropractic care patients, 73% reported that their pain was completely gone or much better after treatment compared to just 17% of the SMC group.[/quote_center]

For additional information visit: The JAMA Network