
With Parker Seminars Las Vegas less than three weeks away, Circle of Docs had an opportunity to sit down with Dr. Mark Mandell who is the Executive Director for Parker Professional to get an inside peek as to what to expect from this years event.

The theme for the 2015 convention is “ Turn Up the Volume”. When asked about the significance of this statement Mandell states, “Parker is on a mission to change the way you practice in 2015. We want our seminars to be the event where you can get inspired, earn your continuing education and ready yourself to return to your community to “turn up the volume”.  When we reference “ turn up the volume” we want you to not only turn up the volume in number of new patients, but also increase volume of your knowledge and pride in where the Chiropractic professon is headed in the future.”

When we asked why he decided to take on the role and responsibility of Executive Director for Parker Professional he eagerly stated; “ I am a 3rd generation Chiropractor. From as far back as I can remember Parker Seminars has been the elite yearly seminar for Chiropractors around the world to gather, gain insight from the leaders in the profession and network with one another.”

Back massage. Young man having back massage  (with arrows)According to many, the past few years Parker Seminars has been anything but elite. Attendance has been on the decline and other small conferences have been sprouting up across the country vying to take its place. When we broached this subject with Dr. Mandell he was quick to respond: “ Dr. Beau we agree with you, Parker Seminars has taken a dip in attendance the past few years. That is why when our team took control of the seminars the first thing we did was call for an immediate “ all hands on deck “ meeting to lay out the vision for where we are going to take Parker Seminars in the future. We are happy to say that our team has rallied behind the vision and the product we are putting forth this year far exceeds anything that Parker has done in the past.”


[quote_center]Chiropractic Seminars Evolved.[/quote_center]

Mandell continues, “This years seminars you will see a transformation in the way information is being presented to our doctors and CA’s who will be attending. In addition to bringing in an incredible speaker line up and affiliating with 14 national chiropractic associations and coaching groups, we are encouraging more “off the stage learning.”  We are transitioning the attendee from “lecture” style learning to hands on interactive workshops.  Mandell comments, “ We are Chiropractors; we learn best with our hands. Its due time that we transition our learning methods from being told what to do, to be being shown how to do.”

As far as what to expect this year from Parker Vegas, the first thing everyone will instantly notice is a change of venue. According to Dr. Mandell the reason for the change was simple: “In the future when people speak of Parker Las Vegas I want it to be a source of pride. I want them to say that our seminar was the best run, most elegant and first class Chiropractic event that they have ever attended. I know that the cost for doctors, students and staff can be quite extensive, so I want them to have an amazing experience. We feel that Mandalay Bay provides all the glitz, glamour and elegance of what Las Vegas is all about in a space that is also conducive for learning.  Needless to say, we are excited about the venue.”


When attendees do arrive at the Mandalay Bay they will be pleasantly surprised with the amount of things offered at this years convention. According to sources the event is closing in on over 325 companies showcasing booths, a Parker Talk Live booth where the leaders in the profession will be answering questions, and a Speaker Zone where members can test the next generation of innovative products.

Additionally, Parker has created a mobile app that attendees can download and learn more about the speakers, bio’s and lecture information.

In closing Dr. Mandell wants to assure that this seminar is designed for all chiropractors, students and Chiropractic assistants. We have speakers for the new doctor, the struggling and the doctor who is making millions of dollars a year in practice.  In alignment with the Circle of Docs brand, Parker’s goal with its seminars are to Elevate the Chiropractic profession.

Click Here to see the Parker Vegas Schedule.

The Circle of Docs team will be in attendance this year and will be covering the event every day throughout the weekend. We will be posting pictures on our dedicated Parker Las Vegas 2015 page,  as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages. It’s not too late to sign up to attend. The stage is set for a incredible event, will you be there?