Written by Dr. Jessica Dietrich-Marsh


What is your health potential?


They told me my daughter would live; it just wasn’t the life I wanted for her.

I couldn’t let that happen.

Thus begins my story.

When my second daughter was 6, I found myself in the emergency room thinking she had appendicitis. Her blood work came back with potential leukemia. After several hours and many more blood draws, we had a tentative diagnosis of thalassemia. The next question was it type A or B? Did we lose family members around age 20? Her blood counts were so low that looked like what she had.

We wouldn’t have answers to that death sentence for two weeks.

As we waited on the genetic testing, I spent those weeks reading everything I could on this disease. Finally, our appointment at the Oncology Department of Children’s Hospital arrived and we walked in prepared for the worst.

The doctor walked in almost three hours late and proceeded to tell us that our daughter was a blend. She had every sign and symptom of thalassemia A but had enough B that she would probably not die early. However, since she was so severe we needed to be prepared for increased risk of infections, facial deformities, possible height discrepancy, bone deformities, as well as heart and breathing issues. Finally we needed to be prepared for regular transfusions and the potential removal of her spleen. Furthermore, if and when she married, her spouse would need genetic testing before they had children to rule out the possibility of them having a Thalassemia A child.


In one moment, it was as if they had given me back my baby girl, when they removed the death sentence, and then swooped her life away again. I asked how we could help her or prevent any of this, and the doctor sat back, chuckled, and said, “You don’t solve this; it’s genetic.” He certainly did not give us hope. Yet

I had a knowing that the body renews itself constantly; it is innately programed to repair and improve. I also knew that I couldn’t change her genetics, but I would somehow find a way to allow those genes to be the best and fullest expression that they could.


In that moment I began my journey into fully discovering the human body- how is blood made? What part of the body must be supported? How do we support it? I discovered that strengthening her bone marrow, kidneys, liver, spleen, and thymus was necessary. I began feeding her a barrage of healthy food and herbal supplements. Within three months she was the healthiest she had been in a long time. Her improved health continued for years. Then came middle school, when home-packed lunches ended up in the garbage, school lunches became the norm, and the supplements became too much for a busy tween to bother with.

By Christmas that year she was down. She was having a difficult time breathing, and sleeping 16 plus hours a day. My beautiful little girl who had overcome so much couldn’t rally herself to go to school, and she developed a cough that was like nothing I had ever heard before. After about a week I decided to have her blood checked. The blood tests revealed abnormal readings, and it was suggested that she have a transfusion.

On the way to the hospital I handed her all the blood work results, the books and information I had. I suggested that she review the information and said: “Since you have chosen to be in charge of your own health, you must decide whether you go for a blood transfusion or get back to following the protocol of supplements and food that kept her healthy for so long now.” That was definitely difficult for me. I guess that’s what some call “tough love.”

As she pored through the information she came to the realization that she had made bad health choices, and that she was fully responsible for the present state of her ill body. If she was going to be healthy again, she needed to make better choices. Reality hit hard for this little girl. She grew up very quickly that night and said, “Mom you’ve done good, I think I we’ll go back to your way”. For the next few weeks she took so many herbs and food supplements we lost count. My technique had improved over the years. She was back on her feet and doing great in just two weeks this time. She has maintained her health consistently since.

Based on my experiences with my daughter I began to develop a philosophy that includes 4 core components of health. The 4 components are:

  • The importance of good spinal position or structure, which influences the ability of the nervous system to communicate with the body;
  • Living in an environment which must be as free of chemicals as possible;
  • Ingestion of proper nutrition, which is the fuel that drives the machine;
  • And finally and possibly the most important; understanding and managing the stress response which monitors your body’s functional abilities, nutritional needs, hormone levels, immune system, memories and belief systems. We will discuss this in greater detail in the emotional section.

No matter what health issue patients present with , when proper attention is given to each of these 4 categories, there is no patient who does not experience some level of improvement.

New Ideas

There are four basic steps when confronted with a new idea. They are:

You are initially unconsciously incompetent (unaware of one’s own environment, existence, sensations and thoughts, not having the necessary skills to do something successfully) in your physical health and mental well-being. In other words, it’s as if you don’t know that you don’t know.

It is my hope that by the end of this chapter you will at least move to the next level and become consciously incompetent (aware that you do not have the skills to do something successfully, but see there is a problem), and have enough tools to move you toward becoming consciously competent (having an awareness of one’s environment, existence, sensations, and thoughts as well as the ability or skills to successfully do something about it).

In the last step, unconsciously competent, you master skills, they become second nature to you, and are readily available to teach others. That life becomes possible when you choose to take personal responsibility for your choices and become masterful.


Identify Yourself

At the time of your birth, you also began to “play the trumpet” of your death. It is inevitable: we all die. What fascinates me is the age at which people decide to accept their fate and roll over, that time when people consciously or unconsciously just quit making great choices.. This is a topic I love discussing. At what age did you accept your demise? What are your beliefs around aging? Do you think you will continue to be vibrant and exciting? If not, why not? Have you spent time actively thinking about this subject? What is your vision of you at each decade of life? Do you like what you see? Many times these belief systems, or unconscious scripting, come from the most bizarre places.

A 19 year old once told me that there is no hope for him because his parents had diabetes, so what did it matter? He was confirming his helplessness and also excusing his responsibility for his health. On the complete opposite of the spectrum, I have a 95-year-old patient who is still playing tennis several days a week, driving everywhere and on absolutely no medications. So what separates the two?

If you haven’t spent time thinking about I suggest you take out a notebook and write a description of every decade, from your next birthday to the age you see as your last. To use a great line –failure to plan is a plan to fail at growing older. It is time to take charge of your life!107071063

Now that you have an idea of your next decades, do you like each stage? If not, why not? What good behavior, that you presently have, can you choose to continue? When do you stop behaviors or start introducing interventions? On what scale do these interventions need to be?

The first intervention I suggest is reviewing your internal scripting. You know, that voice that constantly talks to you. It’s the voice that tells you “good morning beautiful” or maybe something else not so kind. Where does the majority of this scripting originate? Maybe the TV, or maybe it’s the way others have spoken to you.

Many of our preconceived notions come from the commercials running both in and outside of our TV programming. Programming is an interesting choice of words, isn’t it?  Yes that is exactly what it is- programming the need for drugs, the need for products, the thought processes of demise. The world of advertising is a strong one. Many drug companies now spend almost 19 times more on marketing their solutions than in the research of their solutions. [1]

The more people who take their drugs, the more money they make and the safer they are from financial problems.   Multi million dollar fines for misrepresentation are nothing compared to the billions in profit they make. Purdue Pharma was fined Six Hundred Million Dollars for falsifying the research results on the pain drug Oxycontin. For them it’s the cost of doing business, yet people die because of this.

Identify the thoughts that enter your mind by spending a day listening to what runs through your head, and also evaluate the items in your house- where did the need for these originate? You will find many are no longer from family or friends but rather TV. If TV was providing the correct information, then we would all be thin, active, and most importantly healthy. Since the outcome is not matching what most would like to achieve, it is time to change messengers.

The next step is to become comfortable with the idea of how wonderfully made your body is. Once you are here you will begin to realize that most of what is called “disease” processes are simply survival systems that the body takes to ensure it doesn’t lose control of whatever it is battling.

This is probably a much different strategy than you have ever encountered. For example most people have been told that fevers are dangerous, must be immediately treated, and the body temperature must be brought back to normal. Yet fevers are there for two reasons: to raise the body temperature and burn out whatever virus or bacteria has entered the body; or to pull calcium out of bones and stimulate the white blood cells (part of your immune system). By artificially lowering body temperature with medication you short-change the body’s natural design or survival system. What you have been told regarding fever is a myth and completely wrong. When you allow the body to function the way it was designed to work, healing occurs.



Emotional states

Stress is now considered the cause of 90% of our diseases. [2] Many people consider work, finances or marriage as their “stress”, not realizing that their structure, nutrition, environment PLUS their emotional stressors are what pile upon the body. These stressors combined cause the disease process.

Survival systems are integral to every portion of the human body. They are what runs and protects you. Your emotional survival systems are no different; you develop conversations with yourself that may or may not be cognitive (at the level of awareness that you pay attention to their message) that in time begin to run your life.

Memories are not created before the age of three, [3] but based on your primary care giver(s) you become strong in either right or left brain thinking. After age three you begin to put either a logical or an emotional spin upon your memories. Each position requires energy and burns through vitamins and minerals differently. Memories and thought processes become even more complicated with the use of antibiotics and the foods that destroy the gut. I will discuss this in detail within the nutritional section.

Once you begin to tamper with the part of the body that creates the foundation for your emotions, you begin to alter the perceptions of your experiences. Based on those perceptions you begin to create the script of your life. These are the voices that begin to speak to you; they create your self worth and your image. These voices as well as your life experiences are also influenced or shaped by the messages that your parents, grandparents, friends, teachers, and preachers say to you.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, when released in abundance, can make the brain cortisol resistant. This is similar to the body’s tissues becoming insulin resistant for diabetics following too much insulin.

When this happens the mind has difficulty accessing and creating memories. The twist to this is that hormones are created and influenced by your physical structure, your environment, and your nutrition. The more convoluted those items become, the more emotional and or neurological issues you will continue to run up against.


Physical Structure

Most people only look at structure in terms of what it can do for them. Pain is seen as a gauge of its function. If in pain, most people take medications and push through. Traditional uses of pain medications are not without side effects. Did you know that the most common reason for acute liver failure requiring a transplant is the frequent use of Advil or Tylenol? [4]

Advil and Tylenol also significantly increase coronary events. Heart failure is roughly doubled by all NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), as are upper gastrointestinal complications [5]

This is why many people first visit a chiropractor. They are told we are fantastic doctors for natural pain relief. It’s true, we are. In most cases pain relief is fast and easy. But lets explore some of the other “side effects” of appropriate chiropractic care, and the reasons why chiropractors are really your best resource for life long health.

mainWhy chiropractic is helpful for pain relief can be explained by the anatomy of the human body.

The positioning of the 24 spinal bones gives protection to the spinal cord, which transmits 17 trillion messages or decisions every minute. The brain communicates by speeding up the body’s processes with messages from the sympathetic, or stress response portion of your nervous system, and slowing things down through the rest response via the parasympathetic nervous system. These two communication styles consistently make minor changes in your body creating homeostasis or perfection. They make up an integral part of your survival system. The more accurate the position of your spine, the better this system runs. If misalignments are present, then we alter this ability to function, which activates an alarm that something is wrong. The body then moves into a stress response, causing your system to burn through its hormonal reserves.

For example, when people are under a tremendous amount of stress, they get sick, just as soon as that stress lifts. This is because 90% of the body’s vitamin C storage is located in the adrenal glands, which produce the stress hormone cortisol. When under stress, you burn through your vitamin C faster, leaving you susceptible to illness.

The human head weighs 10-12 pounds and its position is integral to the health of the body.  Research shows the weight of a dime, applied to a nerve, is enough to reduce nerve flow by 40-60% [6] This reduction is not necessarily accompanied by pain, [7], since only approximately 10% of your nervous system is made to identify pain.

Falls, trips, minor car accidents, computers, or even texting all slightly alter the head’s position on a daily basis.

Major injuries to the head from accidents, sports, the birth process or even a small bang which sets you spinning can dramatically change the speed at which your nervous system fires. This can change how you perceive the world.

Research shows that within 6 months of a concussion, ADHD or depression are very common symptoms. [8]

Once these misalignments occur and are then reinforced by further injuries, it becomes more difficult for the body to move effortlessly between the rest response and stress portion of the nervous system. We find that the stress response is where most people are stuck.

Let’s think of you driving your car with the gas pedal stuck at 50 mph- it’s not a big deal if you’re on the highway, is it? What would be the result if this happened in a school zone? Yes it’s a completely different story; your heart would race, you may sweat, you would worry about what might happen, hopeful that no child crosses the road in front of you, you would try to figure out what to do. Your sympathetic nervous system (stress response) would kick in to send you into reaction mode. Sound familiar?

Chiropractic adjustments help the body to relax and move into a more healing state. You can’t defend and repair your home at the same time; it takes different tools (hormones, nutrients, minerals). Time must be spent effortlessly shifting between both the stress and rest response.


Within a minute’s time anything you breath in or touches your skin will be present in your blood stream [9]. Any synthetic chemical will elevate your body’s stress response because it is viewed as a poison. Many household items we don’t even consider an issue are actually very toxic to the system. To further complicate things, many ingredients are hormone mimickers capable of altering your moods, cycles and fertility. [10] [11]

For example, lotions often contain urea and parabens. Urea is actually urine, usually animal derived, occasionally created in a lab from chemicals. Paraben is an estrogen mimicker used to plump skin. Its residue is found in many breast cancers. [12]

Most households use bleached based shower cleaners, plus body washes and shampoos. While shower cleaners make the walls look great, and body washes smell fantastic, your body is handling a toxic overload with each exposure.

During the shower, hot water opens your pores. Steam excites the cleaner’s chemicals as well as the chemicals in water, such as chlorine, and gets them circulating within the shower.

With open pores your body absorbs these chemicals instantly, which moves the body into the stress response. These chemicals can be main triggers for asthma, sinus issues, other breathing disorders, as well as cancers. [13], [14].

EWG.org, a great site for more information presented a documentary called 10 Americans. It shows that children are now being born with over 200 toxic chemicals in their blood stream.[15] Again these chemicals (poisons) force the body to remain in a stress response on a daily basis.

This is one of the easiest of the four categories to conquer quickly and completely on your own. Look closely at the cleaning materials, personal care, lotions, shampoos, makeup and other toxic chemicals used in or around your home. Can you pronounce their ingredients? No? Then stay tuned to the last part of this chapter and we will give you resources for solutions.


Nutritional Stressors

Most parents quickly learn that certain foods can transform their kids from being gentle and quiet, into something from a horror movie. It was for this reason that I began researching the ingredients in the foods that we casually pick up and eat. A great beginning book was Twinkies Deconstructed. What I read infuriated me. I began to realize exactly how many toxins are in our foods and not even properly listed so you can remain informed.

The process of adding preservatives (chemical compounds that mimic the natural vitamins and minerals that have been stripped out of the food i.e. poisons) was created to make food last longer. [16] {However, over time this noble deed became part of the commodities game upon which large corporations look to increase profits and decrease expenses. One quick way to do that is to decrease the price of your starting materials and eliminate your variables. Organic farming is definitely a variable, so is shelf life. Lab created food, minerals and vitamins are cheap, reliable and stable. Unfortunately they are also unrecognized by your body, and most often seen as foreign invaders.

When companies begin to add chemicals in the disguise of fortifying or enriching your foods, food stops being fuel and becomes just another stressor your body has to deal with. These chemicals are often much more dangerous in children than adults as the developing brain is five times more sensitive to toxic effects than is the adult brain. [17]

When food is ingested it goes into the digestive tract also known as the enteric nervous system. The enteric nervous system is a separate secondary nervous system consisting of 100 million neurons that can act independently from the brain and the spinal nervous system. If removed from the human body, this system would fully cover two tennis courts. Think of it as a world within your world, containing over 400 known bacterial species (we call them probiotics), which are responsible for breaking down food into the foundation building blocks for 90% of your brain’s chemistry, 80% of your body’s immune system, and 100% of your vitamins and nutrients.

Your body’s ability to think, feel, move, learn and repair is 100% dependent on the food you put in to your mouth.

The enteric nervous system’s ability to function became compromised in 1970 when wheat became a hybrid (two natural plants blended together to make a new plant). Later, techniques included exposing the seeds to the industrial chemical sodium azide, which is toxic to the cell’s ability to carry oxygen [18] (cellular death leads to cancer) and brain damage (could this be one link to developmental delays and autism)?

Some scientists will argue that the amounts of sodium azide used are too small to create an issue, but my stance is the body works in nuances not sledge hammers; a small poison over time has the same effect as a large dose at one time. Similarly, the amount of estrogen that the woman makes during her entire lifetime would fit on the back of her thumbnail. [19] Small amounts matter.


Up until 1970 the wheat we used was called Einkorn, the very tall amber waves of grain. It was a high protein, low sugar and low gluten plant. [20] As the hybridization process altered the old Einkorn wheat, the small number of gluten proteins turned it into a dwarf wheat plant with twice as many gluten proteins, of which had and never before been in our food chain. This also changed the product from a high protein food source to a high sugar chemical. [21]

In fact two slices of whole wheat bread will raise your blood sugar more than 2 tablespoons of sugar. High sugar foods increase inflammation, pain, belly fat, strip minerals out of your system and lead to heart, memory, and immune issues. [22]

1990 saw the introduction of a significant change in the government’s food pyramid which now demanded 6-11 servings of grain a day, making the gut virtually unable to repair itself before the next serving is ingested. Think of your gut as a bowling ally with tiny hairs that produce the enzymes necessary to break down and utilize your nutrients. Wheat acts as a bowling ball breaking all of these hairs down with every serving. Often times the “correct bowel function” that occurs after ingestion is actually a “jettison cargo effect” of your body properly eliminating a poison.

With this repeated insult, the gut is very quickly rendered unable to produce B vitamins; the very vitamins that produce energy, help create hormones and neurotransmitters (brain communication materials), and produce blood cells in the bone marrow and nerve sheaths. Lack of B vitamins creates emotional disturbances, irregular heartbeats, insomnia, and manic behaviors. [23]

This alteration within the gut continues to affect the production of dopamine and serotonin without which a greater level of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, sleep disorders occur. [24] Over time this will also begin to affect the production of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone (all of your sex hormones) thereby increasing miscarriages and other fertility issues with both males and females. [25]

If that wasn’t reason enough to stop eating wheat, when digested it breaks down into exorphins, [26] which are similar to the endorphins (the hormone responsible for the high you receive from exercise, laughter and lovemaking). Both exorphins and endorphins tell your brain that you are feeling good and you are relaxed. However, exorphins bind to the opioid receptors in the brain addicting you to that high just like heroin does. We know this because when we give binge eaters the same drug heroin addicts get, naloxone, they eat 30% less food. [27]

So just like the drug addict who requires more and more to achieve the same “high”, you will crave more and more wheat or sugar products to achieve the same sense of well-being. Studies show that eating wheat will cause you to ingest on average an extra 440 calories a day. [28]

When we start to look at what this does during fetal development, we start to see answers to our children’s health issues. Research is now showing that the stressors that the father undergoes during his lifetime alter the sperm and affect the cortisol (the body’s stress hormone) levels in their children. This means that children can be conceived and already be in the stress response. [29] In utero, the child has no brain blood barrier. Blood brain barriers are designed to keep chemicals out of the brain. This barrier absence means there is nothing that separates the child from everything the mother experiences, such as stress, love, happiness, medications, food choices, food chemicals, sugars, environmental toxins, and drugs from labor.

On top of this, if the mother has not been taught how to address her personal stress response, or if she is in a level of functional adrenal fatigue, she will “borrow” from the fetus’s adrenals. [30] This borrowing, plus hormonal mimicking drugs that are commonly used at birth, all can lead to a situation where the infant’s adrenals are in deficit at birth, as well as a situation of being addicted to grains and sugars.

If mom continues to ingest wheat while breast-feeding or if formula-feeding (which is made from GMO grains)[31], then these foods will create a poisonous reaction in the intestines that most babies will attempt to throw up. Rather than looking at the issue of why a baby would throw up at birth, many pediatricians simply reclassify this as normal infantile reflux or GERD, and prescribe Prilosec.

This drug is only recommended for 4-8 weeks use and it has NEVER been tested on infants. [32] So what happens when a child has been using this for a year or more, a common occurrence when physicians focus on symptomatology instead of searching for the cause? Side effects of this drug include headaches, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, blockage of stomach acids needed to absorb or create vitamins (especially vitamin B) and minerals needed for healthy growth patterns. Side effects also include irritability, inconsolable crying refusal to sleep, changes in the bone marrow which will affect long and short term immunity, increased chances of infections and broken bones. [33]

Once the child is over the age of one, Nexium may be prescribed according to the pharmaceutical manufacturer,. The information provided on the package insert suggests use for a short period of time only (8 weeks) with the above common side effects. [34]

So now you have a child too young to even be on the growth chart, with ear as well as other infections, is a picky eater craving sugar, has increased tantrums, is not napping, and you have parents who are exhausted and with no clue what to do. The short-term outcome is not good, and the long-term outcome even worse? We see children under age 20 addicted to sugar, markedly obese, and 1 out of 4 are now diabetic [35]; 1 out of 6 are developmentally delayed [36]; 1 in 50 are autistic [37]; 10% are on antidepressants and these numbers are growing quickly. [38].

Many studies are showing that this is the generation that may not outlive their parents due to health related issues. [39] Research regarding subsequent generations being weaker when nutritional stressors were introduced has been around since the 1930’s. [40] Continuing to do the same things your unhealthy parents did, will lead to your children being sicker.


developing an action plan

Action Plan

One of the most fascinating metamorphoses I see in the office is how patients’ thinking change when we start working on repairing the gut, balancing the hormones, changing the external environment, and aligning their nervous system. Once the thinking is clear, the hard choices required to improve your health become easier.

Fortunately, it only takes about one month of hard work to clean up these 4 areas before we start seeing changes; some dramatic, but most just enough to say “YES” to another 30 days of change.

So where do we go from here? First take a deep breath in and shake it all out. This was a tremendous amount of information in a very short period of time that challenges many of your body’s perceived survival systems.

Which one of the above are the easiest to incorporate, which ones will be the most difficult? Write them all down. Who will be your advocate for these changes and who will be your naysayers? I will let you guess who you need to talk with the most.


Structural game plan

First off, it’s important to know that not all chiropractors practice as I do. You must interview your doctors and find out if their mindset and their expertise match your health goals. Ask them for 5 names of patients that would be willing to speak with you to. Speaking with satisfied clients is a great practice utilize when choosing any doctor. If they can’t or won’t provide you names, ask your self: “Is this someone I want a doctor/patient relationship with? In my office we encourage testimonials, and always ask patients if they are willing to have us share their success.

Getting adjusted regularly allows the body to naturally fluctuate to the survival states it needs in a moment’s notice. It keeps your communications fresh. Movement is also very important. Stagnation and sitting is what kills the body the most. Developing an action plan for movement is integral to developing healthy habits and living your full potential. Simple beginner steps would have you park farthest away from the doors you are planning on entering, and walking. Start slowly and build your tolerance. Many times people just rush to the gym to lift weighs or run, when their body is exhausted and would have difficulty lifting a fork let alone 20 pounds. Yoga is an excellent first move as well. It teaches breathing and gentle body movement.

Environmental game plan

If I gave you only one website as a reference tool it would be www.EWG.org. They do very well in identifying each section of your life that needs some environmental clean up.   They also have great printouts that will list ingredients that are to be avoided, as well as products that do a great job keeping you healthy.

I always recommend starting with your cleaning materials, and from there consider your soaps, lotions, makeup, and laundry materials. This site is divided into many sections. I suggest that you pick one per month or per week (which ever speed suits you) and change over to better products. Even one major change per month adds up to 12 big ones in a year.


Nutritional game plan

It’s time to introduce you to real foods. Look at ingredients, not protein/carb ratios. If you see ingredients whose names you either can’t pronounce or have more than 3 syllables, or ingredients you would never been able to purchase at a grocery store, put the item back. Educate yourself on GMO foods and avoid them. [41]

Look at any paleo web site and gather recipes. Paleo is a form of eating that eliminates grains, focuses on real foods, meats, vegetables and good fats. It is one of the easiest eating methods to follow that incorporates all of my nutritional suggestions.

Find people with similar eating habits, I have found the social part of changing your diet to be the hardest. Pick three or four restaurants you can eat at, and when going to parties be prepared to bring your own. It is ok to be different. If this one is tough for you spend some time journaling your thoughts on food- what does it mean to you? Once you realize it is no different than fueling up your car, food will lose its hold over you. Food is fuel for your health. Choose well.

Emotional game plan

I have attended almost as many seminars on emotional health as I have on nutrition. Like many of you, my parents were raised by parents who smoked, drank and who were not taught to evaluate their own emotional needs, let alone the needs of their kids. I have had a very blessed life because I chose not to maintain that path. There are a few major players/experiences that shaped how I choose to live my life and I would like to share those with you.

Tony Robbins, Unleash your Power was one of the first classes I ever took. I walked on fire. Literally. There is not much you can’t do after that. This is a three-day event that gave me the inkling that I could change and I could be different. And wow did it work. [42]

Lifebook is a 4 day event in Chicago and now online. My husband and I categorized our life into 12 sections. We identified and wrote down our thoughts and beliefs for each category. It was my first experience with identifying what I had been taught about life and asking if my beliefs aligned with what I wanted to be. Chances are when you spend some time here you will find a few subjects that can be rewritten. [43] It is never too late to re-write your future outlook, by changing your present beliefs.

If you don’t want to travel or attend such courses, get a notebook and spend a day writing down anything that pops into your head- that voice that runs just below your awareness. Write down anything it says to you. These are your body’s emotional survival systems- the majority of them are running scripts you are not aware of and will have no desire to repeat. Once you identify statements or beliefs that are not in line with who you want to be, begin to rewrite them one at a time. There is power in putting pen to paper and committing to change.[44]

Finally, if your need personal direction please contact me, I have put a tremendous team together and we coach all over the world. I would love to be a part of your journey.



[1] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/09/pharmaceutical-companies-marketing_n_1760380.html

[2] http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(13)60900-9/abstract

[3] http://www.nbcnews.com/health/brain-overload-explains-missing-childhood-memories-6C10070729

[4] http://www.medpagetoday.com/Psychiatry/Depression/2233

[5] http://istpp.org/coalition/index.html

[6] B.L. Rydevik, The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

[7] M. Hause, Spine

[8] http://healthland.time.com/2013/01/17/study-reveals-how-concussions-can-trigger-depression/

[9] http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_279.cfm

[10] http://www.womensvoices.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Dirty-Secrets.pdf

[11] http://www.breastcancerfund.org/clear-science/chemicals-glossary/parabens.html

[12] http://www.foodrenegade.com/chlorinated-showers-baths-kill-gut-flora/

[13] http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=johnson-and-johnson-removes-some-chemicals-from-baby-shampoo-other-products

[14] http://www.ewg.org/news/videos/10-americans

[15] Dr Russell Blaylock Excitotoxins the Taste that Kills http://www.blaylockwellnesscenter.com/Literature.html

[16] http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/sodiumazide/basics/facts.asp

[17] http://wholegrainscouncil.org/newsroom/blog/2012/01/research-sheds-light-on-gluten-issues

[18], [20], [21] Dr. Davis, Author of Wheat Belly

[19] Melissa Diane Smith author of Going Against the Grain

[22] http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/604192/?sc=dwhr&xy=5031942

[23] (http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/pdf/ndfs_2011.pdf)

[24] http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/developmentaldisabilities/index.html

[25] http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/50-american-kids-autism-latest-figures-article-1.1302872

[26] http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303649504577493112618709108.html

[27] http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/17/health/17obese.html?_r=0

[28] Francis Pottenger MD author of Pottenger’s Cats


[30] http://www.tonyrobbins.com/

[31] http://www.mylifebook.com/

[32] http://bccfreedom.com/