By: Jay LaGuardia DC CCWP – Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin President
Wisconsin’s chiropractors calling your support TORS!
Let me be direct and right to the point. There are forces within this profession who conspiring to end chiropractic as we know it. How do I know this, because here in WI we currently are at tip of the spear in the latest challenge to undermine the principles of our profession. Do not be fooled into thinking this is exclusive to WI. This assault is occurring nationwide and soon will be at the doorstep of each state.
The effort to move chiropractic into and under the medical model has never been stronger or more organized. It is well funded and is preying on the uninformed, misinformed and the APATHETIC within chiropractic. Harsh but true! There is no other way to explain the move to abandon our principles.
The future of our profession is at stake and I take that threat very seriously. So should you. It is no time to be politically correct or weak and timid.
Recently the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association (WCA) has gained sponsorship in the Wisconsin legislature to create a new advance chiropractic degree called, Primary Care Specialist Physician (PCSP) it has been introduced as Senate Bill 762. This bill as it stands creates prescription rights and the ability to administer anesthesia under medial supervision. You did not misread the last statement.
The proponents will tell you that there will be a distinction from those who want to “hang on” to tradition principles and those who want this advanced degree…. as if this wont create more public confusion and mistrust.
Even if this move was congruent with current practice standards there is are significant safety issues which will lead to a rapid increase in malpractice costs. Additionally, this will create a tiered system in chiropractic. Which is very dangerous for a profession that is not well organized or politically effective. It is very likely DC’s without this degree will face discrimination from 3rd parties payer’s (Regardless of your business model). I know, insurance companies would NEVER do anything to limit access and further drive a wedge within the profession. This legislation virtually guarantees it.
Some proponents are asking, what is wrong with additional education? Nothing, anyone has the right to return to school and add MD, PA or RN degree to your resume. The rest of us are proud to call ourselves chiropractors and aren’t in need of additional validation. We know who we are and are proud of it.
So let’s be clear what this legislation means. Those with the PSCP degree will be prescribing class 2 narcotics. How does that make you feel?
Our present medical system does not lack PROPERLY trained providers to dispense drugs. Are we ready to accept responsibility, for assisting this flawed model? Remember the number 3 cause of death is properly prescribed medications. Is our goal to make it number two?
I don’t know about you but I don’t ever recall a patient requesting if I would prescribe medications. Why is that you ask? It is my experience and the experience of countless others when patients are properly educated about vitalism and our inside out solution to health, the choice is obvious. How often have patients sought care after failing in the medical model? A large percent of the people we serve. If we abandon our foundation what alternative do they have?
We have been properly trained to identify those rarest of cases that would require medical intervention. Why would we try to replicate what already exist? The medics will always do it better. They don’t need or want an MD wanna be.
I challenge you to ask your medical friends about this issue. How do they feel? The ones I spoke with have zero interest in us changing teams. ALL the medical associations in WI has publicly announced their opposition to this legislation. They would prefer we focus on our own unique specialties.
In his infinite wisdom B.J. said, A “specialist” is one who knows more and more about less and less.” He must be rolling over in his grave.
If you need any more food for thought, lets consider the scientific and clinical argument. I have included the paper Dr. James Chestnut recently wrote on this topic. You will see the evidence is clear. If you are interest in skipping to his conclusion, he states, “The less drugs patients take for non-surgical spinal related disorders the better. This is true not just for patient health but for overall health and for cost effectiveness. Virtually every study that has compared chiropractic care to medical care has shown the superiority of chiropractic care in terms of effectiveness, cost effectiveness and safety.”
So the question you need to ask yourself, what’s the advantage? The research is clear; drug-free chiropractic is a superior form of care that benefits many lives for many conditions.
Those on who support this legislation lose on the philosophical argument and the scientific literature.
Need more evidence the tied is turning, consider the Palmer-Gallup poll that was commissioned last year. This poll revealed that more people are seeking our services then ever before. The poll showed 51% of adults have visited a chiropractor and a majority of people has a favorable view of chiropractic.
We are at the precipice of a cultural paradigm shift. Occurring now is health revolution. One in which we have never seen before. Now is not the time to give up, roll over and give in. The research is behind us and public sentiment is changing. Lets reach out to the chiropractors in your community who might be struggling and share with them this information. Lets join together and lift each other up. Help them find their TIC!
Lastly, please understand it will take one state for this to become law, which will change everything. The battleground is here in WI. It either ends here or starts here.
What do you want, what will you stand for, what kind of profession do you want to be associated with? We can end this now with your help. Support the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin and our efforts to kill this legislation. Help support us financially to preserve the right of every chiropractor to practice drug free, vitalistic chiropractic. Help end this assault to undermine everything you believe. Don’t allow a small but loud minority to hijack this profession where so many gave up their freedom to preserve our right to practice. It is our time to do our part for the next generation of chiropractors and chiropractic patients.
Your actions will determine the fate of chiropractic. Together we can win. Visit our page and click on save chiropractic!
Jay LaGuardia DC, CCWP
Jay LaGuardia DC, CCWP, has been a lifelong learner in the fields of physical fitness, nutrition, wellness, neurology, neuroscience, brain function, and the habits of success. After graduating from Ocean County College in New Jersey, he attended Life University in Marietta Georgia, where he eventually received his doctorate of chiropractic. At that same time, Dr. Jay LaGuardia married his college sweetheart Dr. Pam, who eventually moved them to Eau Claire, Wisconsin where they now reside. They have been married for over 27 years. Together they have 3 children, Alyse, Anthony, and Taylor all of whom are successful in their chosen paths. Together he and his wife enjoy traveling, exercise, their dogs and any new adventures in life they can find.
Over the years Dr. LaGuardia has been on the board of directors for many different organizations and businesses. These experiences eventually led to him becoming the President of the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin.
His post graduate work included a special certification awarded by the International Chiropractic Association on wellness and lifestyle. His clinical experience found Dr. Jay working in and eventually becoming an owner of one of the largest and most influential chiropractic clinics in the world. In a career spanning over 25 years, he was able to mentor many individuals on both business and personal development Dr. Jay is a highly sought after speaker, having lectured throughout the United States, and internationally as well to groups numbering in the thousands. His topics are wide ranging, but often focus on maximizing human potential. His simple yet powerful teaching approach has been known to inspire his audiences. ∙ 715-379-6670