Four years ago the founders of the League of Chiropractic Women came together, recognizing a need for women in our profession and they created an opportunity for change. These founding members shared a vision and dedication to building the largest female organization for women in chiropractic.
Back Row: Shawn Powers, Pat McLean, Cynthia Boyd, Kim Gambino
Middle Row: Selina Sigafoose-Jackson, Patti Giuliano, Sharon Gorman, Patty Ribley
Front Row: Kathy Handt, Jeanne Williamson, Mary Flannery, Mary Oberstein, Morgan Handt, Sandy Gordon
Not Pictured: Edie Hofmann, Kim Stetzel, Pam Jarboe
The League of Chiropractic Women (LCW) has seen tremendous growth across the globe. The mission of the LCW is to inspire and support women in chiropractic to thrive while advancing the principles and practice of chiropractic. We commit to serve the vitalistic principles of chiropractic as a subluxation focused and drugless profession.
If you are a woman in chiropractic who believes in this mission, we want you to know that you are supported. The LCW commits to this mission by empowering women throughout the world through local chapters, social media engagement, online programs and live events.
What makes the LCW so unique? We envision big things and we are fulfilling our goals. We create leaders, and mentor women in the profession.
As Dr. Patti Giuliano, co-president of the LCW says, “The LCW has made a major shift in our profession! Women are being invited to grace the many stages in our profession that were once solely male dominated. Our voices are being heard and it is empowering other women, especially students, CA’s and spouses. With over 50% of those attending chiropractic schools being women, it is vital that they have women mentors. The LCW is filling that need with great success!”
Who can join the LCW? The LCW welcomes ALL women in chiropractic including DCs, CAs, Spouses, Students, Women in Business, Instructors, Patient Advocates, and more. We are an all inclusive organization for women who support our mission. Joining the LCW is an investment in personal development and demonstrates your leadership stance in support for the advancement of women in the chiropractic profession.
Women across the world rave about the many membership benefits. All programming, including live events and online forums, is created with one thought in mind, “How can we add the most value possible for the unique needs of women in this profession?”
We currently offer members free bi-monthly webinars featuring our profession’s top female speakers. In previous webinars we have discussed topics such as Amplify Your Chiropractic Voice, Philosophy at the Forefront of Chiropractic Leadership, and clinical analysis strategies such as Pediatric Case Review. During these bi-monthly webinars members have open access to ask questions and discuss concepts with industry leaders.
What it means to be a member of the LCW
- Connect with likeminded women in chiropractic at live events, including local chapter events and at “Women in Chiropractic Meet and Greets” at some of the world’s biggest chiropractic conferences.
- Join the LCW live at our seminars including the annual Success Summit and our experiential weekend retreats!
- Master skill of public speaking to better share your chiropractic story through the online Speakers Bureau.
- Learn from bi-monthly webinars providing valuable content to implement in your practice and in your life.
- Be supported by women just like you in our Members Only virtual LCW Coffeehouse.
- Receive our Wise Women Wednesday video production with tips and resources to achieve success.
- Stay “In the Know” of all LCW activities and gatherings through our monthly newsletters
- Participate in on-going accountability groups to support personal and professional growth.
The LCW invites all women in chiropractic to participate in our live events. Join us in Milan, Italy for the inaugural European Success Summit September 24-25th. The theme of the event is CosmopoliTIC highlighting the cosmopolitan city of Milan and showcasing the Success Summit as the premier seminar for women in chiropractic in Europe. Speakers will grace the stage with presentations of practice growth, philosophy, science, and personal development. For more information of how you can join us in Italy, visit us at
Prefer to join us stateside? The LCW will be in Scottsdale, Arizona for our annual Retreat November 4-6th, an experiential weekend of inspirational chiropractic speakers in the heart of the picturesque Scottsdale desert. Enjoy the intimate spa getaway while reconnecting with your chiropractic philosophy and gaining valuable insight of how to thrive in practice.
As Dr. Stephanie Maj, Board member of the LCW says, “the LCW has transformed the face of the chiropractic speaking platform. I am a graduate of the LCW Speakers bureau and never spoke before in my profession. Now I travel internationally spreading the word of Chiropractic. I am so grateful for LCW. I’ve found my voice!” To date the Speaker’s Bureau has graduated over 80 women speakers.
Women play a unique role in the advancement of the chiropractic profession. We are here to inspire while nurturing and to grow while connecting. The LCW represents strength – powerful female strength. We are here to create a legacy so other women can follow the path to their own greatness.
Co-president of the LCW Dr. Kim Stetzel so eloquently explains, “The LCW is fulfilling a vital need in our profession, by creating an avenue for all women in chiropractic to connect, thrive and grow. We are excited about the opportunities we have been able to provide for our members to increase their abilities and leadership skills. Ultimately, as more women in chiropractic connect to their true power, it will benefit the profession as a whole.”
We welcome all women in chiropractic to join us in our mission of empowering women in chiropractic worldwide. If you are a female in our beloved profession of chiropractic, what is holding you back from achieving greatness? Take your practice and your life to the next level by surrounding yourself with likeminded women who are making a difference. Invest in your professional development and exponentially expand your network and become a member of the LCW at
The League of Chiropractic Women: Connect. Empower. Thrive.
By: Dr. Krista Burns – LCW VP of Member Services – Pres. LCW European Chapter