On October 15, 2016 I asked parents on Facebook to share their vaccine free healthy child stories and over 300 parents responded! Scroll down to review a sampling of the comments and then click over to Facebook to read more comments or join the conversation! ~ Larry Cook
Leanne Hart: I am a mother of four children, three sons and a daughter. My oldest was vaccinated as per schedule (1997) until he developed mumps and a bacterial infection from the MMR. Bucal tests confirmed mumps and further analysis showed it to be the Jeryl Lynn strain…the vaccine strain, not wild-type mumps. He was put on IV antibiotics and made a full recovery. Needless to say, I was done with vaccines. None of my kids have a single chronic condition, never have had to be on antibiotics (except for the vaccine incident), never have had a single infection of any kind beyond a cold. Zero health issues and zero regrets as to my decision to stop vaccinating.
Ali Honisch: My 2.5 yr old vaccine free son has had one cold he caught from me. He only eats organic food, no sugar, raw milk, nothing microwaved, filtered water and lots of time outside in the dirt. He’s very bright, strong, and robust.
Ginger Holland: My 18 m.o. Grandson has never been vaccinated. He’s completely healthy, very intelligent, great motor skills, and has never been sick at all. My 16 month old partially vaccinated grandchild is always sick, regardless of a healthy lifestyle. Neither attend day care and associate with the same group of people.
Casandra Noack: 22month old son. Zero vaccines, zero interventions, zero conventional meds. One cold-lasted maybe 2 days. Walked at 8months, first words at 9months, was able to recognize/name/say sound of each letter at 15months, counts to 10, knows all his colors, speaks in full sentences. He’s 31.5lbs and 35″. I’d say he’s the picture of health . Now, I wish I could say the same for my first. She was fully vaccinated. Had bouts of uncontrollable crying, colic, fevers from 4months on, ear infections, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, strep, ER visits galore. But since we stopped going to doctors for “wellness” she has thankfully healed. Our pedi (who is all for natural parents and isn’t a typical doctor) said we have our own science experiment at home. Seeing who was the healthiest.
Shannon Grow: Daughter is 8 years old- no allergies, no skin issues, no asthma, no pneumonia, no flu, no stomach issues, never had diarrhea, no delays, no ADHD, no sensory issues, no behavior issues, spoke in complete sentences fully articulating and enunciating words at 2 1/2 years old. My granddaughter is 5, fully vaccinated, and has all the above. It’s the difference between night and day.