“People rarely make the same mistake twice; they usually make it 20 or 30 times before they change anything.”  -Rick Sapio

 At Business Finishing School, we are not seeking temporary change in our members, we are seeking life-long, permanent change. It’s been proven that New Year’s Resolutions don’t work. They only put you into a new state of mind for the moment, or a week, or a month. They are always temporary, and that’s why I hate them.

We are looking for you to make a more permanent change in your life.  Only at a new, higher state, will you have different behaviors that will produce new and better results.

My hope is that some of these quotes will wake you up to a passion and desire that you have not seen before in your life.  Take time out of your life right now, by putting aside the social media, the news, movies, TV shows and sports. Focus on creating the best you of your entire life, in 2018.

 “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” -Socrates

You have the power to change everything with one decision, i.e. the decision to move to a higher stage, and leave behind the one that hasn’t produced all the results that you’ve wanted to produce before.

“1 year = 365 opportunities. Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”   -Robin Sharma


My experience tells me that only when you are sick and tired of the old, will you have enough energy to embrace the new.  But, I’d like to ask you to remove this old conditioning, and move to a new stage now- even if you are not yet sick and tired.  Think about all the change that you can make in the world by embracing your FULL POTENTIAL.

So here is your homework:  Write down 10 personal goals and 10 business goals that you will commit to achieving in 2018.  Then write a short implementation plan on how you will achieve each one.

Example 1:  If you want set the goal of improving your marriage, then set the plan of a weekly date night for 52 weeks on Monday night at 7:30pm.

Example 2:  If you need to hire someone to run the day-to-day of your business, write the job-posting NOW and submit that ad all over the web.  Then, commit to interviewing 10 people by phone next week.

It will definitely take some work to enter a new stage of life, but the rewards will make all the work worth it. Happy New Year!


Rick Sapio, Co-Founder
Business Finishing School, LLC


Rick Sapio has been involved in more than 100 companies, as either a founder, investor, owner, or operator, over the past 30 years. Rick has realized that by using a principle-centered business approach, one can radically increase the success of virtually any business. For the past 22 years, he has been CEO of a financial services/healthcare holding company. Go to www.BusinessFinishingSchool.com to learn more about his 12 Foundational Principles of Business.