Chiropractic care in the treatment of asthma


Chiropractic care in the treatment of asthma

Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood. Its intrinsic form, with no known etiology, is a particular challenge to the treating physician. A neurological cause may be present in the intrinsic form of athsma. Chiropractic treatment of asthma focuses on the correction of spinal subluxation that may restore proper nerve function to the organs of respiration. This case study reports an eighteen year subject with a two year history of bronchial asthma. The subject received chiropractic adjustments using the Palmer Upper Cervical Specific Technique and was monitored over a five-year period. The result of that care was marked inprovements in the subject’s health status. The greatest improvements were reported in the weeks immediately following the chiropractic adjustments. This case is interesting in that trauma to the cervical vertebrae conincided with the onset of asthma and chiropractic care focuses on those regions coincided with improvement in that condition.