Day 10 of The Chiropractic Christmas with Rick Sapio


It is the final day of the 10 Days of Chiropractic Christmas and we are excited to send you this next gift from Rick Sapio and the team at Business Finishing School.

Richard_Sapio_profile-e1424990904267Business Finishing School is an online business training course that teaches entrepreneurs simple and easy to implement business principles. When applied, the principles create simplicity, revenue growth, and strengthening of your business for long term success.

The gift they are giving is a real module from their online program titled “The Superman Syndrome.”  In this video you will learn the art and science of delegation.

Have you ever wondered why certain people have so many things get accomplished around them but personally don’t work extremely hard? You will learn the best tactics for having other people in your organization be responsible for important outcomes. You will also learn some counterintuitive things about leadership, which will liberate you from being a slave to your business.

This module also comes with a 10 question quiz that you can take to see the probability of your business sustaining long term success.  You may take the quiz by going to this website.

We hope you enjoy this gift from Business Finishing School.  If you have any questions about this video, the quiz, or if you want to learn more about how Business Finishing School can help your practice, please contact Ashleigh Mooney at 214-954-0302 ext. 2 or email:

business finishing school