COD 026: Dr. Paul Evans and The Breast Orthotic of the Future


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Summary:  Patients come in all shapes and sizes, and being prepared to adjust anyone should be top of every doctors state of mind. In alignment with this, adjusting some women and accommodating for their breast size can be somewhat cumbersome to the patient and doctor alike.

In todays interview we sit down with the founder of Mammaguard, Dr. Paul Evans as he shares how he thought of the Mammaguard, a women breasts orthotic, and why every Chiropractor should have at least one of them in your office.

paul-evansBio: Dr. PAUL EVANS is an Australia-trained osteopath, prosthetist, and orthotist with over 20 years’ clinical and management experience in Australia and the U.S. He now calls the U.S. his second home. He currently is involved with the company MammaGard Operations, and is responsible for a new truncal orthosis that protects breast structures in prone positions. He can be contacted through


Interested in the Mammaguard?  Check out the special pricing that MeyerDC is providing to Circle of Docs members.

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