Day 9 of The Chiropractic Christmas with Dr. Dan Sullivan


Its Day 9 of the Chiropractic Christmas and today’s gift from Dr. Dan Sullivan is one that we guarentee that 99.9% of all doctors from around the world will utilize.

Dr Dan Sullivan DCIf you are not familiar with Dr. Sullivan you can check out the podcast we recorded with him as he gives incredible insight on how he is taking Chiropractic to the world!

Dr. Dan Sullivan is a chiropractor, speaker, author, and one of the most sought after health experts in the United States. He’s well-known for showing chiropractors the profound science and proof behind what they do to give them certainty in communicating to the public. For more studies and useful up-to-date information on the Power of Chiropractic please visit

Today Dr. Sullivan is giving away FREE to All COD Members a digital copy of his The Power of the Adjustment Poster!  That’s right, 100% Free.  Just click on the poster below and you will be taken to a page to download!


To take it one step even further, Dr. Sullivan has recorded a video, just for you, to show you how to use it in your practice.

Thank you again Dr. Sullivan for all you do for the profession!