You Got Something to Say?


Here at Circle of Docs we are always looking for great content to share with the community and elevate the chiropractic profession. If you are a writer, Chiro Youtuber, or Podcaster please email us and submit your works.

Outlined below are the basic standards for which we accept content.

Submission Information for Contributors and Guest Authors

Circle of Docs seeks content from a variety of writers so that our readers receive a wide range of perspectives on a variety of chiropractic topics.  We also encourage submissions from non-DC related resources.

Many of our most popular articles have come from individuals like you who share their knowledge and expertise with us.  We welcome the opportunity to have you contribute original material or reprints/reposts in the form of articles, book reviews, infographics, videos, etc.

write-for-usWhat’s the difference for us between a Contributor and a Guest Author?  The answer is the amount of involvement.

Guest Author is an individual that is interested in submitting just one guest post, or perhaps a few.  We welcome these articles and encourage you to submit a query letter after reviewing our website to see the types of articles we post.  (Please read the submission guidelines below.)

Contributor is a person who wants to submit regularly (at least once a month) and establish a more formal arrangement.  Posting your content at allows you to reach maximal chiropractic minded readers.  We add your name to our Contributor list, provide you a landing page to describe yourself and aggregate your posts, and include your content in our daily news posts.  You can submit original articles or repost your blogs, with links back to your site to drive traffic to you.

NOTE:  We do not pay for content, which unfortunately is also the policy of many leading websites, such as Huffington Post.  We do provide full attribution to all contributors, including their bios and links to their sites.  Our authors and contributors gain with increased exposure, and we work to have articles reposted on our cross-post sites.  We encourage authors to “toot their horn” by posting their article’s link on their websites, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.

Cross-Posts.  We work with several websites to share and cross-post (with attribution) selected content between our sites, and we provide a landing page to aggregate each site’s posts.

Sponsored Posts & Advertorials.  We see many press releases each day from businesses offering great chiropractic related products and services; and wanting to share their success stories with potential customers.  To help spread the word, we offer a sponsored content service.  If you represent a company that wants to promote itself with a post that includes affiliate links please email


Circle of Docs helps the chiropractic profession live sustainably and make conscious consumer choices that affect the chiropractic lifestyle.  Our articles cover a variety of chiropractic related topics and approaches the topics of the chiropractic lifestyle by solving sustainability problems—within the practice and around the world.  We’re especially interested in stories about how chiropractic changed your life, living the wellness lifestyle and educating the world about the chiropractic profession.

Types of articles we are looking for:  How-to-guides, chiropractic tips, healthy recipes, green living, results of new research, interesting stories about chiropractic heroes or organizations, innovative approaches to chiropractic problems, etc.  Articles should be focused and well written, and in the range of 250 to 800 words.

Before submitting an article: 

  • Become familiar with our website and the types of articles we publish, especially for the topic(s) you want to write about.
  • Read the Terms and Conditions for this website.
  • Contact us by email with a synopsis of the article you want to submit, and explain why you think it would be appropriate for our readers.  Please put the words “Guest Post” in the subject line to ensure a faster response.

All content should be submitted by the original author or their representative.

  • Original articles are preferred, but reposts are acceptable if the author retains the copyright, or has received written permission from the publisher to repost the article.
  • We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any article; that is the author’s responsibility.  We are not liable or responsible for any damages incurred as a result of any information in any article.
  • Send your article by email as an attached Word document.  Only bold the title and any subheadings within the article.
  • If you have links, include the URL in brackets.
  • Please provide images for the article.  If you have images to include within the article, attach them as jpeg files to your email.
  • Provide a catchy title, and a 1-2 sentence synopsis of your article right after the title.
  • Include a short bio with contact information (if desired) and links to your site (if applicable).
  • You are responsible for ensuring that the submission does not violate any legal rights of other, such as copyrights or other proprietary rights of another person or entity.
  • You retain the right to resubmit your content to other sites.

Editing and Other Important Information

  • We reserve the right to edit your article, although we will probably reject an article that requires extensive editing.
  • We reserve the right to reject an article for any reason.
  • We strive to notify authors the day their article has been posted, but we are sometimes tardy.
  • All articles are open to comments from readers, which are reviewed before posting.  You have the option of responding to comments.
  • The opinions and statements presented on this site, including articles and comments made by users, are not necessarily those of this site.
  • Your content, if published by us, may be used in our marketing or promotional campaigns, and may be reposted on other sites, without notice by us.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to the website content at any time without notice, including edits and the removal of content or comments.

To submit works or inquire: Please Email: