Learn How Chiropractic and Magnetic Resonance Therapy Has Helped Sgt. Shilo Harris Deal With PTSD


The FCA is proud to announce that former Staff Sgt Shilo Harris will be speaking at the upcoming conference on Friday morning 11/20/2015. Shilo’s story is a compelling one and you’ll be inspired when you learn how “Chiropractic” plays a key role in his journey back to Health..

Staff Sgt Harris will also discuss how Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MRT), in conjunction with Chiropractic, controlled Pain and PTSD that resulted from his Combat related injuries. Additionally, he will introduce you to Dr. Jerry Jacobson, a world renowned inventor, author and speaker on MRT and its application to Health.
Finally, you’ll earn 2 CE credits for your time with Staff Sgt. Harris and Dr. Jacobson.
While you are at the conference you should take advantage of the opportunity to get a first-hand experience in the Magnesphere.
If you have not had a chance to hear Sgt. Harris speak, here is a sneak peek for you: