To wrap up our retention series, today we will discuss the final step in creating Lifetime Wellness Champions – the Chiropractic Annual Review. If the Re-Report is the Wedding Day, then the [Annual Review] is the Anniversary. And JUST like the Wedding Day, the Re-Commitment to your practice and their wellness does NOT happen on the Report Day [Anniversary]. It happens all year long.
For the sake of review: Our goal was to get people to Regular Lifetime Family Wellness Care. The Annual Review was done every 12 months (annually) in our office for 20 years.
We address each patient’s journey towards Wellness Care in 3 distinct stages and we’ve already thoroughly discussed stages 1 & 2 previously. So, the third stage of care is Wellness Care OR Maintenance Care. Wellness Care of course continues on the same upward trajectory based on patient goals and Doctor’s findings. Maintenance Care is designed to maintain their new health level and protect progress so they don’t slide backwards.
The Chiropractic Annual Review Is Where You Find Out Which Patients Are Lifetime Patients.
I reserve a 15 minute block for these reports during Special Appointment Time, following the same structure as the First Exam and Re-Report almost exactly!
Do not feel awkward re-using this structure, it is expected and unfortunately your patients won’t remember your talking points the way you wish they would!
Simply follow the same structure and add an occasional: “I know that this is review for you…” if it makes you feel more comfortable to call it as it is.
So a successful and prepared Chiropractic Annual Review should go like this:
1. [Pre-Fram] Tell the patient what is going to happen on this visit so they can settle down and focus.
IE – “Today we are going to review the results from your recent Re-Exam. We will do a Before and After discussion c. We will revisit your goals. And I will give you my recommendations for moving forward. Then we will get you adjusted…”
2. [Their Commitment Review] Review the Three Legged Stool & their responsibilities such as keeping their adjustment schedule and breaking bad habits. Also add in specific exercises.
Typically you then ask how they feel they have done so far and then I share my honest opinion.
Going into any Chiropractic Annual Review you should really have a sense of what you think a patient wants to do moving forward.
Pay attention during the year and listen for signs and clues as to what they want and how they fore see utilizing chiropractic care in their future. Ask yourself the biggest question of all – “Are they a Wellness Patient for life?”
Or have they reached their goals – are happy where they are – and are ready for you to design a Maintenance Program for them so that they can protect their new level of health? We must respect both approaches and treat them as such.
If you have done what it takes all year long to ensure your patients are achieving their goals and support them through your care and expertise, then by the time a Wellness or Maintenance Patient comes due for an Annual Exam – all they need is a quick word of feedback, direction and encouragement.
Retention is the key to Results and when we get better results – Everybody wins.
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