Dr. Dane Donohue, Chiropractor in Newtown, PA
Dr. Dane Donohue has been in practice since 1991 and during that time has been recognized by his peers with numerous national awards for excellence in practice, including Chiropractor of the year in 2008. He is committed to the idea that all people deserve to be healthy, and their choices and behaviors ultimately determine their level of health. His role as a doctor is to inspire and educate people to make better choices that will lead to better health outcomes. Dr. Dane is married with 2 sons and lives with his beautiful wife Jill in Doylestown, PA.
About 8 Weeks to Wellness®

8 Weeks to Wellness® was developed and founded by Drs. Dane Donohue and Dr. Denise Chranowski – twins and third generation Chiropractors specializing in health and wellness. Dr. Dane and Dr. Denise both graduated with honors from Texas Chiropractic College – following in the footsteps of their father, Dr. Martin Donohue and grandfather, Dr. John Komarek both of whom graduated from TCC.