How to Choose the Perfect Chiropractic Table


Are you looking for the perfect chiropractic table for your office or practice? When shopping for chiropractic equipment, it can be difficult to know exactly where to start, especially with finding reputable brands or the right type of equipment for your needs. To assist you in choosing the correct table, we have compiled the top things to consider to help you narrow down your search. Read on to learn more about how to choose a chiropractic table.

airflex_slideStart with a list of what you need

Before you begin browsing, you can start by thinking about what features you will need. Instead of starting out by looking through all of the table models like the IST Table, you can instead think about your needs and what you will require the table to do. For example, some tables will take the client from a standing position to a flat position. This will be a great choice if you work with clients with severe back problems. Or, you can consider an elevating variety, which is handicapped-accessible. Consider these and other features before making a purchase, making a list of what you need and then going to buy.

Refine by budget

Once you have determined exactly the kind of table you need, you can then refine your search by how much each model costs. Tables vary greatly by price, but not all brands are created equally. It will help to ask your colleagues for recommendations or read reviews online before making a purchase. You may also be able to visit a medical supplies store or a trade show. You can contact your state association to find nearby shows and vendors.

Consider purchasing used equipment

If your budget doesn’t allow for new equipment, you may be able to find a very suitable used or refurbished chiropractic table. You can find used equipment through online forums like State Association Classifieds, or by asking your colleagues. Sometimes you may be able to find equipment as well through schools.

Other things to think about

Finally, when you are ready to make a purchase, consider the tax implications. Some models, such as if they are handicapped accessible, are eligible for a write-off. Furthermore, while a used table is great for your budget, you may be able to write off a new table that you purchased as a business expense. To find out more about tax write-offs, do some research online or schedule a meeting with your accountant.

Click here to see a full listing of Chiropractic Tables.

Contact us today at 866-318-3251 or visit us online at to learn more about the chiropractic tables we offer.