Unleashed: Book Review


51HYmoTcYKL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Before sitting down to begin my read of Unleashed, I managed to steal some time from the author Timothy Feuling over the phone.  Funny how I say, “steal some time” out of habit because that seems to be the general understanding of today’s businessmen and businesswomen.  However, after reading this book or speaking with Timothy for yourself, you will instantly realize that he is here for YOU.

I first spoke with Timothy on the phone for an easy thirty minutes, and honestly could have more than doubled the time.  I found myself talking to an old colleague, or my next-door neighbor, or the guy who has been cutting my hair for the last twenty years.  I instantly connected with him, and it’s a quality he may be gifted with but also one that his book describes as a learned skill.  It’s an acquired skill that has to become your #1 contribution when talking to any one of your patients, clients, or family and friends…being able to connect with people and be in the moment.

I gathered much of Timothy’s background, experience, current work, etc during our friendly conversation.  But perhaps one of my biggest questions was:

“Where did your passion come from when you decided to write this book?”

His response touched base on the much bigger picture, which eventually led him to writing Unleashed.

“My passion in life comes in three big pieces, #1 Spirituality, #2 Family, and #3 Business.” 

Later in the book he states, “My purpose in life is to help others take ownership of their lives and that’s why I decided to write this book in the first place”.

These three passions and his purpose are ingrained in every word in his book.  They creep into your conscious and rub off on you and your fingers like ink on a newspaper as you flip through the pages.  His book is not a literal recipe for financial success, but more of a personal and internal blueprint to create wellness in every aspect of your life.  Many other similar authors claim a method to wellness, or an exact science.  Timothy challenges his readers to look within themselves for the answers.  He essentially tries to lift the cloud and pull the reader out from their own darkness into a world of self-motivation and success.

As a reader, I could not help but ask myself the bigger questions in life.

[quote_left]“What am I truly passionate about?  How can I create wellness in all aspects of my life including family, friends, health, fitness, free time, and of course financials?”[/quote_left]

These types of questions are what drives each of us daily, even though we often times neglect their importance.  Timothy urges his readers to ask those questions every morning, every night, and every minute in between.  He teaches us about the importance of our passions, how to detach from certain aspects of the world, and most importantly how to get out from underneath our own personal excuses and fear.

“Get in touch with your inner truth.  Make the spiritual connections and flow with the universe.  Stop resisting your greatness and allow it to take root in your mind and life.”


Or as he quotes B.J. Palmer: “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise!”

The second half of the book is the meat and potatoes of network marketing and creating multiple streams of income.  He preaches that the nature of our economy has shifted, and thus we must shift our own mindset.  Being an employee simply is not good enough in most cases, at least not in itself.  Can an individual really put faith in a job or company even though he or she has been there twenty years?  Why not have one, two, or even three forms of financial income and backup?

Now if you are like many people out there, you may have taken a step back when you read or hear the words “network marketing”.  Timothy explains the stigmata that surrounds network marketing, but he goes even further into its history and how the system works.  He creates a very simply check list and strategy on how to get involved and what to look out for.

I will leave you with a final quote from his book, hopefully one that ignites a small spark within:

[quote_center]“The Difference between Fantasy and Dreams is Dreams Require Action.”[/quote_center]



GN– Product Review  written and conducted by Dr. Garrett Neff, DC.

Dr. Neff graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic West in 2010. His primary focus during his education was on sports injuries, functional movement patterns, and rehabilitation. His undergraduate studies were accomplished at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, receiving a B.S. Degree in Kinesiology.