As you probably know, over the last 10 years Circle of Docs Contributor, Dr. Chris Zaino has built an amazing Chiropractic practice. His office consistently sees over 2,000 visits per week and generates millions of dollars per year!
Of course the most common questions he gets is, “How did you do it?”
Obviously their is no quick answer, but in an attempt, he has created a multiple-video training series, just for you, that will take you step-by-step through his history and personal story.
In this video series Dr. Zaino will cover everything from the struggles he experienced trying to open his office, to the huge breakthroughs that took him from several hundred visits to several thousands of visits per week.
In these videos Dr. Zaino will uncover his most effective marketing strategy! This single marketing strategy is responsible for ALL of his success. It was so effective for him that he stopped every other form of marketing and poured his entire marketing budget into this one area…
Best Part? He is giving away his ALL NEW 3-part training series (It’s 100% FREE!)
Video #1: Dr. Zaino will take you step-by-step through his entire practice history. You’ll travel with him in his own car as he takes you from place to place so that you can experience all the feelings and emotions that triggered each significant transition in his career. This video reveals EXACTLY what allowed his practice to grow from 0-2000+ per week! (There’s no doubt, this video will change your life forever.)
Video #2: Dr. Zaino will show you the top 12 mistakes he was making that kept him from growing his practice. Once he made these changes in his office and in his own mindset, his practice was able to explode without him having to do all the work. Chances are YOU are making most of these mistakes right now in your office and you don’t even know it!
Video #3 is the most important video of them all! This is where Dr. Zaino will show you how he attracts 20-80+, pre-qualified new patients per month with only 1 hour of work per month! (Yes, I said 1 hour per month!) If you’ve ever experienced the pain of not knowing where the next patient will come from, or if your tired of working your ass off for a few new ones, this video will help you learn how to increase your income, help hundreds of people, and work less all at the same time!
[quote_center]“This is not only my best marketing/practice-growth strategy, it’s my only one.” – Dr. Chris Zaino[/quote_center]
Dr. Zaino and his team has mastered there marketing process in his office. He has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on coaches that have helped him tweak every word and every process. And now he wants to teach it all to you in a free, 3-part video training series!
This free video series officially launches NOW, but he is only leaving it up for a limited period of time – so sign up for it today by clicking the link below:
Click here to join the Dr. Zaino’s ALL NEW 3-part training series (It’s 100% FREE!)
Why is he doing this?
Dr. Zaino has a heart to help people. Although he has served thousands in his community already, he knows that nothing could create an exponential reach like teaching more chiropractors how to be Thought Leaders in their community.
Because too many DC’s work for too long and don’t reach the amount of people they want to. (And I know for a fact it is because they are not able to get their message in front of enough people.)
This is not theory, this is a process that can be implemented in any office. I am certain if you take it seriously, you will elevate your career in a quick and significant way.
Hope you enjoy the videos,
-Circle of Docs Team